Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Jardin du Palais Royal - en hiver

Jardin du Palais Royal

The lovely fountain was sealed in ice - December 2010
The red and white rope was a signal to stay out of the fountain,
a suggestion lost on these young boys.

I hope that Paris did not get that cold this year, 
but regardless, we will all be glad to see winter go.

Jardin du Palais Royal
75001, Paris


Alain said...

C'est la première fois que je remarque cet immeuble qui pointe au dessus du Palais Royal (rue du Beaujolais ?). Les occupants des mansardes doivent avoir une bien jolie vue.

William Kendall said...

It certainly does look chilly!

Alexa said...

And apparently no one around to chase them away. (Good for them—I'll bet they had fun.)

Unknown said...

The tips of the tubes to expel water, look dangerous. Just stay away from them, to have the adventure of walking on fallen pieces of heaven. Are they spirits in a human experience or are human into a spiritual experience?

Randy said...

Wonderful looking building.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Alain, oui, j'ai une amie qui habite ici et elle a une bien jolie vue. (rue du Beaujolais - oui)

There were only two of us crazy enough to be out in this weather: I was taking photos and Peter did not chase them away although the children did scatter when they saw us.
