What can I say? This apple did not fall far from the tree*...
With the Buren Columns there is a temptation to get a little silly and most everyone we saw there was standing on or hiding behind the black and white columns. In the late 1700s this Jardin du Palais Royal was opened to the public and closed to the police, making it a place of much activity. The Court of Honor shown here was updated in the 1980s with this landscape of columns designed by Daniel Buren. People generally love or hate the columns, but the children are in agreement that there is much to love here.
*"The apple did not fall far from the tree" is an expression meaning that children often take after their parents, be that good or not... Holly and I do have fun in Paris and Beyond!
Jardin du Palais Royal
Rue de Mentpensier et Rue Saint-Honoré
J'aime beaucoup cette photo qui pourrait être prise pour un magazine de mode. Le noir et blanc est élégant, et le manteau rouge crée la vie, avec en plus, un joli mannequin!
Bravo et bonne journée, Genie!
Where's her twin sister, Ivy?
You seen to have a penchant for doing black and white with just a little bit of colour. And an "obliging" daughter makes it so much better.
I think you're having much more fun than people are allowed to have. Watch out "they" don't get you (whoever "they" are)! ;)
Nothing like hamming it up for the photographer. Nice happy shot Genie.
A beautiful colourful photo with so much joy in it. I like the coat.
I love this shot Genie - the red coat is gorgeous!!
"All Things French"
Love this;makes me feel all happy. I am trying to think what I would do there.
Genie, This is truly a great shot! It is fun to travel with your daughter. Mine is unable to make the trip with me this year...but my granddaughter will accompany me!
Lovely picture!
But personally, I am not a fan of these columns *blush*
This is an absolutely great photo. Something one would expect to see in a fashion magazine.
Definitely having fun there! Ha ha! Can't believe that was the first time I had seen them in person...and the red coat was perfect. I planned that when I lugged it over on the plane (not really, but it sounds good). Young at heart and having fun in Paris - like mother like daughter!
A beautiful picture of a beautiful young woman. The red coat is fantastic!! In fact, the whole photo is a vividly pleasing image.
Holly is gorgeous and so full of life! Fantastic photo -- made me smile instantly -- and brought back delightful memories of our trip. Tant pis that my coat was boring black -- the lively red looks sooooo much better. It really does look like a fashion shoot!
I'll say it again. Your pictures are not snapshots, but well thought out, well lighted and composed pictures that give feelings of warmth, excitement, and of being there...this one magazine quality.
Love your pic and I think those columns are nice!
About the kids being like their parents, some French people say:"les pommiers ne font pas des poires!"
Big bisous and have a beautiful week, Genie****
Love the pic!
Wow that is a perfect shot! The colors are so vivid and alive! Bravo!
What a great and joyful shot! I love the contrasting colours and the stripes. It's completely perfect and reflective of how we should all feel in Paris.
I belong to the group who hates Burren and his work, the man as well as the artist, for many reasons. This being said, YOUR picture is wonderful,and full of joy !
une photo colorée et dynamique
Very cute photo!!! Did she dress in her beautiful red coat with this shot in mind???
I think I'm in love.
I love this photo. It's so fun. And a prefect medley of colours too.
che dire... !!!
mi piace!
This is one of my most favorites Genie. Holly, your red coat was parfait! You should have stuck your tongue out like the little guy in the red coat did for me right in the same spot!!! I love the columns. Photographer's buffet!
Okay, now I'm just dying to go out and buy a red coat!
She is lovely!
Genie, everything about this photo is perfect. I don't know if I like or dislike the columns; I think I would have to see them in context. But, in this photo, they set off Holly and her red coat and black heels just wonderfully! I envy your ability to travel with your daughter. This moment is one to etch into your memory.
What a beautiful photo! The colours work really well. I love the action pose!
Not a big fan of the columns—but if you add a beautiful young woman with an ain't-life-grand smile and a bright red coat . . . they're the perfect backdrop for this wonderful portrait. Love it, Genie!
Such joy, I love it, Genie! XX!
Add «Louis'» name to the (ahem) column headed HATE the Buren Columns. As Alexa wrote, those horrid columns did serve one (if only one) useful function by serving as a prop for Holly...
«Louis'» favorite building in Paris to hate is le centre Pompidou - a Lego structure on bad steroids...
Richard -- Je suis d'accord et j'aime le noir et le blanc... Bonne journee a toi (no accent marks on my laptop when I travel - I do know better)
JB -- Ivy who?
Miss Sadie -- We do have fun together and there is always much laughter and talking
Andy -- Do you have any fromage to go on my "ham" sandwich?
biebkriebels -- Merci, mon amie
Dianne -- Merci... The red coat was a happy accident
Bibi -- I think that you would run in and out between the columns
Carol -- You will have wonderful memories with a granddaughter... I want to hear all about it
Cynthia -- They make for a nice photoshoot but they are not in keeping with the history of the buildings... I know that there was quite a ruckus when they were installed
Harriet -- Awww, merci a toi
Holly -- Well, this is a post for you and it was a blast... can't wait to plan for our next trip, making lists, and laughing at our French from time to time - hah!
Kate -- Merci... Holly and I have always been close and had fun together... We live far apart but talk at least once each day by phone
Marie -- We had so much fun in June and will have to do it again... I think that I will get a purple coat!
Bill -- Well, they may not be snapshots but her "frolic" in the columns was spur of the moment and impulsive... To me she looks just like she did when she was 4 years old with a head full of pretty hair and a huge smile with a deep-voiced laugh
Cildemer -- Merci... I love knowing that expression and anything that cannot be learned in a book! Huge bisous to you, mon amie!
Rob -- Many thanks!
Randy -- The columns are a great setting for capturing candid shots of strangers and of a youthful moment from a daughter!
Brittany -- I always love b/w combinations and patterns... the colors make a wonderful backdrop for bright primary colors like this red coat... merci!
Malyss -- I need to read more about Buren... the columns are a bit out of context for the age of the buildings but they did serve as an interesting setting
Bergson -- Tu es gentil, mon ami.
Chieftess -- Well it was the only one she brought and it was easy to spot her on the streets!
Steven -- Hummmm... Well, I am in love with Paris for sure!
Loree -- Merci, mon ami
CSJ -- Merci... ciao
Virginia -- How funny is it that we on trips a month apart both took photos of "kids" in red coats amid the Buren columns! I tell you ... twins separated at birth!
Liz -- I say go for it... you need a red coat!
Jack -- Yes, I feel very lucky to be able to travel with her... What a joy she is!
Alan -- Yes, and this is the only one I have like this... looking like a staged photo. I almost did not post it for that reason, but it makes me smile to see her so happy
Alexa -- And when we are together in Paris or anywhere at all, life is grand! Merci, mon amie!
Shari -- Merci... have a great almost end of the week!
Louis -- Well, I do think that that building has an uncanny resemblance to one of those gerbil habitrails that my kids had - hah!
What a fun photo! It exudes happiness :-)
ahh finally the famous columns by Daniel Buren. I did a post some weeks ago about an exposition of his work here in MUDAM Luxembourg and I got some "different"comments in that post! Oh girl...since that day I have been curious about these columns, thanks very much for this post.
In fact, I liked a lot what I'm seeing in this composition , your picture is perfect and I like the columns in the way it is presented for me.The sweet "girl"is a doll, amazing shot!
You in purple ... parfait!
Fantastic image, love it! Well done, Genie.
She certainly looks like she's having a great time. She should have taken your photo afterward.
Excellent shot! Reminds me of Mary Tyler Moore. :)
We all did, specially when they were new!
Sara -- It was a great, fun day in Paris!
Léia -- You are so sweet and I am going to look for your post about Buren along with the comments from your readers... Thank you, my girl is a "doll" and we have a great time together... big hugs to you and Cezar
Marie -- Tu es gentille... merci!
JM -- Merci, mon ami
Starman -- Ah yes, the mom does not often make it in the photos, but she is so cute to see.
James -- She had a hat and we should have gotten a shot of her tossing it into the air! Too funny and I did not think about MTM... great recollection you have!
Rob and Mandy -- Very interesting and merci.
I remember that red coat and the nice person inside it! :-)
Peter -- Merci, and we had fun with you that day, too! She is a sweetheart and full of laughter
After all those wonderful comments, there is not much one can add. Simply a stunning shot of a lovely young woman! Brava!
I love this! The colors, the movement -- c'est magnifique (and you have a gorgeous daughter!)
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