So, our story continues... Do you recognize our cute "jeune garçon" from yesterday? He is the one smiling above with the huge snowball, uh hunk of ice...
...and now he takes one in the back by the kid with the striped hat! Pow!
After a rousing battle with snowballs accompanied by the laughter of kids playing, it was time to leave the park.
And this was the "stash" of snowballs!
This kind of kid-fun translates to any language... may it always be so
What a great series on shots! And, yes, may it always be so!
Bien sûr, Genie, je l'ai reconnu! Ce sont de beaux souvenirs pour toi.
Je te souhaite une excellente journée!
Yes, snowballs are fun, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that chunk of
He was loaded good and ready - they didn't stand a chance x
Hee! I've only had one snowball fight {in my defense, it doesn't snow where I live!} but I remember some of those snowballs were hard and hurt! But I'd do it again if I encountered snow with the right company...
Lets kids be kids, it's such a wonderful lifetime!
Amazing pictures!
I guess you catched the last snowball game in Paris for this winter! We have hardly seen any snow since you left ... and now we wait for the spring signs!
I have again checked some of your last posts! One can so clearly feel your love for Paris ... and you know how much I appreciate that! :-)
It is always fun with snow, even adults like to throw snowballs, you feel like a child again for a moment.
Great little story, Genie!
Genie, Wonderful slice of life ... and, oh, how true that kids are kids everywhere! I certainly hope no one received a blow from the jeune garcon's chunk as that would have certainly hurt! No wonder he had such a grin on his face, he knew he had the best weapon in his arsenal. The action shot of the snowball on the back is fantastic! Love this happy winter tale.
Oh that's just great. I think hurling chunks for frozen snow seems a bit intense but garçons will be garçons! Love the little bunny ride too. Great post Genie!
Your photos tell the story! Ahhh to watch kids having fun is a delight, no matter the country.
genie- i agree - the language of play is universal -- even if it involves ice chunks! great fotos ;-)
I agree. Let's hope the language of play will never change and that there will always be little ones to cheer us with their games and laughter.
Boys and snow, a great love story!I guess they would appreciate a little more white and more snow!
Oh, to have that energy again!
Well, we're all about kids today. I see that kids everywhere are the same. How fun!
These are wonderful! It looks like a fun time in front of and behind the camera.
p.s. I loved your comment on my Something Sighted blog. lol :)
Tres amusant!!! Play is definitely easily translated in any language!!! Love the action shots!!!
Well done, Genie! Gotta admire the way these boys made the most of what they had—and turned filthy chunks of ice into "snowballs." They would have loved to be here last month, when we got 19 inches of the pretty, packable white stuff.
Louis -- Yes, and that was what I got out of this 15 minutes of action... Merci!
Richard -- Et pour moi je n'ai jamais eu de la neige quand j'étais une jeune fille... Tant pis pour moi.
Bibi -- I think that it was a good think that they all had on big jackets
Suzi -- There were about 12 children all together and there was equal sharing of throwing and receiving - hah!
Shell -- I was enjoying the exchange but was not interested in either throwing or catching those snowballs.... brrrrr!
Léia -- Yes, and they were oblivious to everyone else... Merci!
Peter -- You had plenty of snow this winter and I hope that it is over and that spring is on the way -- You know that I love Paris and I hope that those who read/follow my blog can see that in my photos and stories... merci, mon ami
biebkriebels -- I know that I was laughing so hard that my sides hurt and that their chatter, though in French, sounded just like kids everywhere (any age)
Carol -- Glad that you came for the story though I imagine most had already guessed
Marie -- I think that jeune garçon was too small to really heave it very hard or far... It was all good natured and no cross words or meanness.
Virgini -- Yes, they took time out to "build the snowballs" before they got started and put them all on the bunny -- very organized!
Harriet -- So glad that you liked it, mon amie.
Amanda -- Yes, they had a daddy with them who did not seem alarmed that there were chunks... a momma might have been a different matter - hah!
Loree -- If we could all stay as open and fair and loving-life as these kids were, we would be better off.
Malyss -- I think that this snow was too wet and sparse... two days after this photo it snowed a bundle and la circulation came to a stop... great for snowball fights!
Starman -- I think that if you started getting pummeled with snowballs you would dig deep and find a little energy - hah!
Tammy -- Lots of fun was had this day!
James -- Behind the camera was safer and I was careful not to get into the line of fire... (on your blog, I got a bit carried away, hehehe)
Chieftess -- Merci... I had the opportunity to watch a French child and an American child (ages 8 and 5) who knew only a few words of the other's language so they played simple games like hide and seek and danced to some music... universal language
Alexa -- I think that this was a regular weekend play-date for the crowd and they probably made up some other "chase" game without the snow... I would have loved to have seen a fluffy white (packable) snow fight!
I am so glad to see kids out having fun on their own. No parents steering them to do what the parents want, and no parents interfering with the snowball fight. I think parents need to let go and just let kids be kids, like these kids. Nice post.
Right on Jack!!!
wv: ambold...I am bold because I had freedom to be a kid when I was a kid!!!
Jack and Chieftess -- Exactly! Carefree kids doing what kids do -- all happy and carefree... love it!
Snowball fight. Nobody got hurt.
They all went home friends. Who's to complain about that?
Great pictures, Genie.
Miss Sadie -- It was a delight to watch and if you had been there, you could have run with the kids... You are most kind with your compliments... Merci
A tout âge, jeune ou moins jeune, on est toujours ébloui lorsque la première neige blanchit le paysage... même si on ne l'aime pas trop!!!
Elle éveille en nous de bons moments entre copains et copines...
Fun in the park. Nothing better than a snowball fight.
martine -- Je suis d'accord... merci, mon amie...
Randy -- I wonder how many bloggers have been in snowball fights this winter.... hummmmm?
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