Just across from Ma Bourgogne at Place des Vosges, was a gallery of eclectic art. This colorful heart of hearts by
David Kracov seems just the perfect valentine from me to you*. His wall sculpture of enamel on metal is entitled "Look within your Heart"
No chocolate (tant pis), but a pretty nice valentine!
Art Symbol21, Place des Vosges
*or as we might say in the South ... "the perfect valentine from me to all y'all!"
Thank You Genie - This is so... delightful ~ just perfect. I love the individual shapes and colours of the hearts. Have a wonderful heart day.
"All Things French"
I know Ma Bourgogne and this gallery! Love this heart of hearts. Joyeuse Saint-Valentin!
Merci, Genie, pour ton magnifique cadeau.
Joyeuse St Valentin à toi aussi!
So much colors, so much hearts, so much love!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Dear Genie!
Thanks - thats great. I needed that. x
That is really cool! Really cool!
Oh I do love this - it is something that I would just LOVE on my bedroom wall - perhaps I should commision?
Thank you so much for sharing and
Happy Valentine's day!
C'est parfait! So colorful -- what a fun Valentine.
Thanks Genie. Happy Valentine's Day to you also.
Great colours! I like the vibrancy. Thanks Genie - the same to you!
Another lovely image,thank you Genie......Happy Valentines Day!
This is brilliant! I just enlarged it and spent several minutes admiring the details. Personally, I'll take art over chocolate any day. You appreciate the chocolate, but the art appreciates! A joyeuse Saint Valentin to you, ma chere.
A heart of hearts - happy Valentines Day!
Thanks so much dear Genie, this post is very sweet, and I think we can arrange some chocolate, can't we? :)
Happy Valentine's Day to you as well and thanks so much for your friendship!
This is a beautiful piece of art.
Merci Genie ... a joyful, colorful, fat-free valentine! What a lovely photo. I think my favorite heart within the heart is the green one that says, "THUMP"!
Happy Valentine's day ma chere amie!!
Very unique and perfect for this day.
Happy Heart Day!
OK, so how did I miss THIS too??? This is a delightful heart of hearts.
Happy day to you my sweet friend!
Magnifique ! Happy Valentine's to you too Genie! :-)
OK, Genie, you win! This is spectacular. A wonderful catch for Valentine's Day. (Smooch.)
That's spectacular!!!
This is great, I love it! Happy Love day!
You are right - it is perfect and very pretty.
C'est étonnant; très bien, très amical, très joli.
Happy Valentines.
I like this very much. If one uses one's imagination, there is even small representations for the lovers' wine.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
What a nice piece of Art ! Happy Valentine's Day Genie, and to all the ones you love.
Love the hearts....happy Valentines!
This is perfect for Valentine's Day. Love it!!
This is amazing. I love all the colors. They really bring a smile to my face. I hope your day was wonderful!
Thank you to each of you for your comments and wishes for Valentine's Day... I treasure your presence here on my blog... Merci à vous!
Delightful! I accept your gracious gift, even tho I arrived late!!
This is just pretty, and I also like the way you have photographed it, with the shadow and reflection!:)
How absolutely lovely. it's such a pretty, colourful, positive heart. You couldn't be unhappy looking at a heart like this! Lovely photo and reflet.
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