Can you just get a whiff of these still-warm baguettes sliced and filled with an assortment of deliciousness... Holly and I bought several in December and took them back to our apartment where we were meeting Peter (Peter's Paris) for a quick déjeuner and a spot of wine, bien sûr! Yes, they were delicious and not a crumb was left! Then we were off for an afternoon of discovery and photography!
Wish that I had a few of these right now... miam-miam!
Rue Montmartre
(near Saint-Eustache)
Très jolie photo! Merci, Genie, pour tes explications car, à première vue, j'aurais pensé à des sandwichs pour végétariens ou bien pour les lapins! :-) Mais j'ai beaucoup d'imagination...
Rillettes, thon...? They sure look good.
These baguettes look very delicious!!
All that leafiness does look healthy, Genie!
Well...that's the point!I can't resist...so the reason I need now a diet! :)
Amazing capture dear Genie, your picture is "delicious"!
I want one - with a huge glass of red! xxx
Just dropped by to confirm that the sandwiches were really nice, as was the wine ... and the company! :-)
Très apétissant Génie !
and..j'aime beaucoup le mot du jour.. :-)
Miam Miam is right! I could use one of those for lunch this afternoon but sadly will have to make due with a plain old bread sandwich. But it's a good reminder for me to call Libby today and reserve my baguettes!
Amazing food and amazing photo!
Looks great! The sandwiches at my bakery look nothing like that ;)
Those look absolutely miam-miammy (?) -- Your photo brings out the freshness of the greens and the crispness of the warm baguettes. Yes, if I close my eyes, I can almost smell the fragrance of freshly baked bread ... (will try to hold on to that today as I go off to work). Merci Genie!
Well I"m sorry I missed that little gathering! THe sandwiches look delish!
I could not imagine it without the photo but as usual, your photo puts me right in the moment. I think I can even smell them! Yum!
There is nothing better than fresh crusty bread and a glass of wine. This is just a terrific photo.
When I buy such things, made to be eaten outside, and that I come back home with them, I say it's for a "pique-nique moquette"!("inside picnic") :o)
Miam ! Look fresh and delicious indeed !! With "roquette", my favorite salad ! :-)
Amazing! That's exactly what I'm eating right now—well, the arugula part anyway. :~} Miam is right!
A perfect way to start the day :)
Roquette does it for me!
looks like this is so YAMIIII ....!!!! nice!
This photo is making me very, very hungry. And YES, I can definitely smell the aroma. :)
To answer to your question: the village is called Luceram, in Alpes-Maritimes.Around 25 kms away from Nice.
And Pique-nique moquette is used in my family, I'm not sure it's corect as french quote! :o)
Ah, yes, they look delicious. But, I am at the time of day when I need not to think about food, so that I don't ruin my appetite.
Re Thomas Hart Benson, I read that he settled in Kansas City and taught at an art school there for quite a while. He was pretty gutsy to reject modernism at a time when that was so fashionable. I don't love his stuff, but I do admire that he took a different path.
Richard -- Eh, peut-être parce que c'est l'année du lapin en Chine. Non, Ces sandwichs ont des viandes et les autres choses dont les lapins n'aime pas.
Bibi -- They did have tuna and chicken and beef. I think my favorite really was a veggie one with rounds of cheese and tomatoes.
Vreni -- I do wish that I had one right now. You are able to buy nice breads in Vienna as well
Shell -- The stack of sandwiches does look like Mr. McGreggor's garden... I feel like Peter Rabbit!
Léia -- Merci, mon amie, and you do not need a diet... I can see your photos.
Diane -- Well, my dear, I'll serve that right up and I'm sure that you won't mind if I join you?
Peter -- Ah, but you are used to these delicious treats that we all rave about... Thank you for stopping by... The company was very nice that day!
Lala -- I had to look at le mot du jour and I love it too... Sometimes I wonder who is sitting around dreaming up these words and sentences!
Holly -- At least you have a real boulangerie where Libby will save you baguettes each day! Bises, my chère fille!
Carol -- Merci, mon artiste!
Cynthia -- Then you need to run over to Rue Montmartre near Saint-Eustache...
Marie -- I could eat the baguettes plain... the filling is just a bonus!
Virginia -- You were missed, my dear.
Tammy -- Wish we could have some today and I would share with you!
Steven -- I'm glad that you added the wine to the day-dreaming we are doing. Let's go ahead and get some fromage with that, too!
Malyss -- Love it! I just wrote it down to add to my working vocabulary of French. Merci!
Chieftess -- I imagine hot bread would be good up on that cold mountain today...
o2 -- Et voila! Une autre mot... "roquette" -- I was thinking "rocket" as in launcher, not "roquette" as in arugula for lunch!
Alexa -- Hope that your baquette or bread is delish, too!
Loree -- Yes, I could eat these for breakfast too
Ciel -- This looks like it just came from the field, too!
Tiago -- Merci, mon ami, and thanks for stopping by.
EG -- We all have great imaginations... or, we are all on diets and the thought of hot breads has us drooling! Merci.
Why is it that I'm usually hungry when I read what you've written and shown? Could it be the trek on which you have taken me, or the irresistible food you have set before me?
If only I could be there.
That looks delicious! I always get tempted when I see a mountain of food - let alone a mountain of beautiful French breads
Malyss -- Well, I need to get there to that fairyland ville! Merci.
Jack -- I'll save some so you can have one tomorrow - hehe! That info about THB explains why the Atkins Museum has the "full-wall" art. His art is instantly recognizable.
Miss Sadie -- Well, I will not tempt you with chocolate and hope that you will close your eyes when I have something of that type to show. For some reason, the fruits and vegetables and most everything else look so vivid in Paris.
Those look amazing! Nothing like good food with friends.
Those look so fresh and delicious!
Randy -- That is one of the truths of life... good food and better friends
Sara Louise -- and quite tasty... the nice thing about a photo is that the roquette does not wilt!
Haven't been to Montmartre in years.
I wish too! They look absolutely delicious!!! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Kristin xo
How wonderfully French!! Sweet shot --
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