Monday, September 14, 2015

Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre

The inner chambers of the
Louvre museum.

Take a peek

Musée du Louvre
75001, Paris


Revrunner said...

If I were to design a museum, I'd turn it inside out so that this is what people would come to see. :-)

William Kendall said...

Something I take it we can't get into!

Alexa said...

I love that they let you have a sneak peek at the inner workings. Perhaps one day, the storerooms!

Lowell said...

If I remember correctly again, we did walk through an area where they kept treasures locked away - treasures that needed some work or were being re-cycled...

What a place that is!

Joe said...

It is such a huge museum Genie. It must take days to explore it all

Unknown said...

I feel it, more than a room for restoring, as a hospital.
I wonder if my eyes will see this place. If not, I got this photo.
Thank you Genie.

Janey and Co. said...

We have a small museum in this little mountain town . It is in a very old building. iIt also has an enormous basement. I love going down there where many things are stored. I find it more interesting than the floor above.