In the Paris snow, this carousel was a bright, noisy spot. In the late afternoon heading towards the carousel, it was an unexpected treat to see this magical blue and white wedding cake of a merry-go-round in full operation. The children were bundled and all had rosy cheeks from the cold, none seeming to mind.
I learned that the Mairie de Paris offers free unlimited carousel rides in the week between Christmas and New Years all around the city. If you have been following my posts, you know how I love the carousels and you can see previous posts here, here, here, and my favorite here. Certainly, there will be more to come!
I love carousels, whether real or artworks, and I love anything Paris...so this post is so well liked by me:)
Thanks for sharing...
Carosels have something magic: the music, the decorations, are strange and out of time. And they bring us back to our childhood, even a dreamed one..
This is stunning. The colours against that white, white snow! Genie, I must confess...I actually had to show my Mum this image because of its sheer beauty.
This is so exquisite, Genie ~ I just wish I could click my heels together and be there!
Stunning picture! Have a wonderful day, Kellie xx
This is like a dream!
Ce manège es très beau car ancien. Je n'aime pas les manèges modernes! Mais les enfants adorent tous les manèges!
Oh yes, I do remember this carousel! Last Summer - when we stayed some days in Paris - our kids absolutely wanted to take a ride here and so they did :)
Happy new year to you, looking forward to all beauty you´ll show this year!
Best greetings, Marjolijn
Ce manège est très beau car ancien. Je n'aime pas les manèges modernes! Mais les enfants adorent tous les manèges!
Bonjour chérie!
Ahh I love carrousels and this one is really beautiful with winter mood!Such a perfect composition, you have "that gift"to create emotion in your posts, thanks very much!
*** I also love those benches! :)
I certainly hope that you, too, ride these marvelous carousels!
MAgical and beautiful shot!
This one seems to be going clockwise, although the ones I remember in the U.S. go counterclockwise.
Your description is as colorful as the image.
Great pic...hundred years ago it seems I rode frequently on a similar carousel in the Jardin. A Sunday treat. Great blog.
I've never seen it but it's so lovely! It's the first time I've seen a white carrousel.
i love carousels too and the wintry scene in this photo is so nice.
Super photo Genie ! Hope the new year is starting well for you and wishing plenty of Parisian exciting moments and bubbly happiness !
I'm rather fond of the Dodo manege too, Genie—but this fantaisie en bleu et blanc is so beautiful, especially in this light. Nicely captured!
tu nous emmènes faire un tour
Ann -- Many thanks and you are in good company here with your love of Paris!
Malyss -- You are right and I get a chill every time I see one... In the US we do not have the abundance that I have seen in Paris and all of Europe
Brittany -- So glad that you liked it enough to show your Mum... It did look like a dressed up cake against that backdrop of white snow and gray skies... I think that it was the cake that caught your attention - hah!
Shell -- I wish you had been there that day, mon amie! We could have gone for a ride together and let Holly take the photos!
Kellie -- Merci, and glad that you stopped by today!
Nina -- Merci, mon amie...
Marjolijn -- That would have made the experience perfect... to have had some little children to enjoy the carousel(s)!
Claudine -- J'adore ce manège-ci (et touts les autres) parce que c'est ancien, Belle Epoque je crois?
Léia -- The winter mood caught my attention also. I have seen this in the summertime but it took on a magical aura in the snow... so glad you liked, mon amie!
Kate -- I admit that I do, although I did not ride this one... I really regret not riding Dodo Manège but the children already had all the "good animals" -- tant pis pour moi.
Ola -- Merci, mon amie...
Jack -- You are very observant and I had to go back and look at the ones I have already posted... all three of them do indeed move counterclockwise... you have now given me a new checklist as I snap photos of the carousels... merci!
Louis -- Aww, thank you. (You have been "wordless today" and I think you just needed to read some pretty words)
Lapin -- I think that a photo of a carousel will take you back to a childhood memory as Malyss said above... glad you like the blog. Please come again, svp!
Cynthia -- There are so many carousels in Paris and I am going to keep an eye out for any others with these fairyland colors and lights... Merci!
Loree -- You and I although we are so far apart have in common: not much snow where we live! haha
Lala -- I plan to have more Parisian moments this year and thank you for your wishes... I'll have the bubbly happiness too, mon amie!
Alexa -- The Dodo is sequestered and hidden, perhaps closed in winter? This one is magical in the snow... Merci, my dear friend.
Bergson -- Tiens! Fais un tour avec moi! (I do hope that this is not one of those pesky idiomatic expressions that has another meaning, non?)
To all -- as I was responding to the comments and thinking back on the carousels, I remembered another and think that I am not attentive enough to my labels...
So pretty!!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. All the best to you in 2011.
Halcyon -- Many thanks, and hope that your 2011 is looking up... wishing the very best for you. Bises
What a magnificent photo! The carousel does indeed look like a sugary concoction of some sort. Thanks for all the wonderful eye candy you provide!
Happy New Year!
Tammy -- Thank you and I love eye candy too... Your description "sugary concoction" is just perfect! Best wishes for you in the new year as well, mon amie.
This is so nice with the snow. I love seeing the carousels around Paris.
What a beautiful carrousel!
By the way, really nice new propfile pic. :-)
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