As you can see from the photo, all of the baguettes and cheese had been consumed and most of the wine. In December Holly and I invited Peter (of Peter's Paris) for un goûter before the paparazzi team hit the streets of Paris.
It just does not get any better than this! (unless we could have stayed until spring!)
Pretty flash apartment!
Beautiful apartment! Love the floors! Hope you had some foie gras!
It is a lovely apartment ~ just as I'd imagine! I really should have dinner before I do blog-rounds ~ here I come, red wine and cheese.
I got distracted from your Paris apartment photo by your new profile photo. You look different.
Ah lovely! And lovely apartment, the floors are so beautiful. And I admire the shoe-painting!
JB -- It is quite nice and I made a dear friend with the owner
Samantha -- It was fabulous and made for great petit déjeuner and late night wine and cheese.
Shell -- How fun would that be! Please come and joint us, though Virginia and Mary will be there in just a few days... we can all go!
Andy -- Very observant of you but one should always be careful when you tell a woman she looks "different" -- The profile photo was taken in this Paris apartment just a few weeks ago
That was a really nice moment before joining the cold outside! I guess their is a fair chance that I will see this appartment soon again, with other occupants, not you and Holly this time. But there will be more flights!
Oh - That was so much fun! I wanna go back NOW! Jealous that Virginia will be there in a few days...let's start planning our next trip!
Nina -- I will feature that artist in a later post... she is amazing and delightful
Peter -- What fun it was and you will already know the way there... see you again, hopefully soon
Holly -- We lived it to the fullest and I am still savoring the trip... but wish I was going to be there later this week rather than working
Dear Genie,
First of all I LOVED your new profile picture, you are so gorgeous!
And how lucky you are! Peter is such a wonderful friend!
Léia :)
*** Hmmm that wine looks delicious for sure!
Love this very quotidian photo. One would think you were right at home. I can almost taste the wine, cheese and baguettes!
The apartment looks lovely and your new profile pic is fantastic!
A good memory of a perfect moment!
Léia -- You are so kind, my dear. I was lamenting to Virginia last night that I only know how to "lighten and crop" with Photoshop or I might have "fixed" it - hah! Thankfully, it is small. Peter has many friends and is a terrific resource and loads of fun!
Marie -- There was much wine during our stay on Saint-Roch and Champagne, baguettes, fromage, macarons, etc...
Malyss -- Merci! Holly and Peter are deep in conversation as you can see.
Very nice. It looks like a pleasant moment. And no one has commented on what an unusual and dramatic lamp base!
Okay, okay. I should not have said different. I should have said younger. Please send me the formula!
Lovely new photo of you! And I enjoy the personal photos (Holly and Peter) that you bloggers occasionally treat us to.
That's a great looking apartment.
That sounds like such a good time and the apartment looks great.
I'm wondering if this apartment is availible to the public? The apartment that I stay in seems too expensive and I'd like to find a better deal. Please let me know if you have any suggetions. :)
p.s. I posted the picture that I mentioned, the bench with eyes in the Tuileries Garden.
It looks so cosy and looks like you had a perfect evening together.
OHHHHH i can hardly wait and oui, we hope to wine and dine Monsieur Olson soon! You're a tough act to follow! :)
Finally home from Virginia and back to my own dear Mac (as opposed to the cousin's un-user-friendly PC). I love your new profile pic! And this apartment looks very comfy and Parisian. Will you tell me where it is? How nice that you and Holly were able to have Peter there pour un gouter!
Jack -- Lots of fun and the decor is elegant and artful
Andy -- Okay, now that's the ticket! All better...
Harriet -- I do not usually do personal photos but will be featuring Paris friends this week
Starman -- It is a FINE apartment indeed
James -- Quite often the apartment prices vary with the season. The hotel prices have increased over the past two years (my usual haunts) and apartments like this are usually not available in high demand seasons/months. It is available and I will email you.
Loree -- It was but this is noon-ish... We got to the serious eating/drinking later - hah!
Virginia -- You will have a blast. Bisous for M. Olson from Holly et moi!
Alexa -- So glad you are back and I hope that you escaped the snow drama. Glad that you like the profile picture... as you can see above, Andy has already determined that I look much younger (hah). The apartment is in the 1er on Rue St Roch
Peter is really an accommodating friend, isn't he?!
So true. What more can you ask for, well maybe more wonderful photos from your visit.
Kate -- I believe that Peter is adored by all who know him and for good reason... He knows almost everything about Paris, soft-spoken, flexible with his plans, has a cheerful disposition, and is fun to be around... totally accommodating as you said.
Randy -- I have many, many more photos and when I run out, I'll just have to go back for more!
Look out, Paris! Here they come!
Looks like all concerned had a fine time, which would be difficult not to in Peter's good company... how nice to stumble in here and find the table already set, just need a bit more cheese and baguette, and maybe another bottle or two ?
Louis -- Ah yes, the paparazzi indeed!
Owen -- Oh, I have a photo of the full spread and one photo with way too many empty wine bottles, but what fun! I see you are in Paris... Next time will you join us, svp?
How lovely to see you and Peter sharing a glass and putting the world to rights. You are right, everyone adores Peter and I'm sure you too, Genie xxx
elegant apartment!
Jilly -- Hah! That is Peter and Holly but she was definitely explaining something to him... I was as usual the photographer for this one
Ola -- Merci, and glad that you visited my blog today
je crois que Peter à une invitation sur tout les blogs
Bergson -- Je pense que oui et tu as aussi une invitation la prochane fois je serais(?) à Paris. (How's that for murdering the French language?) You can come in from the countryside and join us!
Says miss French: "...la prochaine fois QUE je serai à Paris."
(and you have to use serai (no s) which is a future rather than serais which is a conditional)
Hope you don't me correcting your French, it's excellent already.
I just love this scene, the setting, the apartment, and of course seeing Peter. Isn't he the sweetest companion?
Nathalie -- Please, always correct me. I should have looked it up and did not... knew better than the conditional "s" -- My French tutor says that I too often add something extra in front of a verb, hence the missing "que" -- I think that I need an immersion, in Provence, of course! Holly is totally engrossed here in conversation and yes, Peter is a delight and kind to all. Bises, G
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