The last minute inspection before Sarkozy and the procession on Champs Elysees -- The colors and variations of uniforms is mind-boggling!
I am excited to join the community of photo bloggers and all the amazing French/Paris blogs I enjoy! Thanks,
Virginia, for your mis-guidance (
JB, you too).
Joyeux anniversaire Paris and Beyond. Whew, birthing this blog baby only took us about 12 hours but we did it! So fun to have yet another Paris blog to follow. Welcome to Blogland Genie!!!
...when I was 8 years old and it only took me 40 years to actually get there!...
Don't you mean "30"?
Welcome to Blogland Genie!
Many thanks to Virginia (and via long distance, JB) for their help and sense of humor!
Victor, thank you for visiting my blog and I will be visiting British Columbia via your blog! Merci!
You really ARE Genie with the light brown air. Makes a welcome change from these silver-blond birds....
errr - "hair"
here can never bee too many Paris blogs. Welcome to the community.
welcome in the blogosphère
Genie!!!!! What an awesome surprise...pretty soon I'll have to quit work to have time to read all of the good blogs from the fine people that I've met via Virginia! (Via Virginia...that should be the name of our Retirement Compound when we join the ranks of Virg, Peter & JB.
Adore how you captured the 3 folks in the background who seem to be watching with rapt interest!
Salut mon amie!
Oh somehow now i"ve taken on the role of Mumsie or Aunt for this blog. I'm checking comments etc. as if it were my own! Maybe I'll be able to "cut the cord" soon.
I'm very proud of this fab blog Genie. :) Welcome to my blogworld. I told you that you'd love it!
Yea mom! Love the blog and can't wait to see all the photos from our trips. Virginia - thanks so much for helping her get this started. Hope to meet you on one of our trips South.
Starman, I have enjoyed all the Paris blogs and appreciate being welcomed into the "club."
Bergson, j'essayerai de repondre a vos commentaires en francais. Merci pour vos patience! Visitez a nouveau.
Hi Mary! It was great to get to know you in Paris, too! Keep the job so we can all meet up in the city we love again, very soon! A bientot!
Well, I am going to have to "get with it" to keep up with comments and visits and all the things one needs to remember!
V, had a blast and thanks for helping me "birth this baby" on the very special day 14 juillet!
Holly, my macaron queen, wish you had been with all of us this trip but we will have a special one before the year is out.
This is a great shot that suits perfectly for the day. And a beautiful picture too. Welcome !!!
Genie, you and VJ have done good! I am off to France this coming September and shall have to consider a Parisian view from Down-Under!
All the best with your new baby!
Genie, congratulations on the launch of your new blog. Welcome, and enjoy the journey. You, "Mumsie" and JB have done beautifully. :) And you've captured a wonderful moment here!
Looking forward to our next trip there together. And love the drag hanging out of the guy's mouth as he's inspecting...
My, they look so young—and so serious. Nice start to your blog venture, Genie. Welcome! As another "folle" francophile, I'm thrilled to have yet more wonderful pix of Paris!
Welcome! I love this picture. I watched the entire parade on French News at 5AM. It looked quite wet in Paris. Look forward to your pictures of Paris, and I think it will take me 40 years to get there too ;)
Laurent, enjoy your vacation! I am missing your daily posts and waiting for your return!
Julie and Shell -- I need to visit "down under" too!
Alexa, they spent about 10 minutes preening, tucking, adjusting. It was interesting to watch -- love the cig hanging on the edge of his lips!
Corrine, I hope it does not take that long for you but if you are reading all the Paris blogs you will have a great list of places to visit in Paris.
Thanks to all the comments on my blog's first day post!
Hi Genie, I'm really looking forward to your photo's - Paris is a photographers dream & I never tire of the many different aspects of this beautiful city. Happy blogging !
Dianne xx in cold & wet South Australia
Merci, Dianne! I left you a comment on your blog -- lovely pictures!
You caught this shot at just the right moment. And the expression of the soldier on the right is great.
And the color is really good too.
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