With the dawn of a new year, this photo of daybreak on a December Paris morning fills me with optimism for 2011.
The best of wishes to all of you that I have met in less than six months of blogging. Many thanks for all of your support... I look forward to the coming year and all that is ahead for us in 2011.
Je vous souhaite une merveilleuse année 2011!
Happy New Year to you and may you enjoy everything that is ahead x
That's exquisite, Genie ~ a beautiful way to start the New Year. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Here's to a happy and healthy year ahead!
Paris est belee !!!
happy new year !!! big hugh Kathrin
BONNE ANNEE Genie! Tous mes voeux pour cette nouvelle année qui commence!
A stunning photograph! Thanks for sharing.
I have been enjoying your blog for the past month. I too, love Paris and this brings back fond memories of my visits.
Since we arrive in Paris at 6 am this week, I MIGHT have a chance at a Paris sunrise, although I"m not sure the sun will be out the whole time we're there. C'est la vie. I'll just enjoy this gorgeous one. This is superb.
Your lens captured it beautifully. I can only image what it must have looked like first hand. Thank you for sharing this with your readers who are stuck in their napping chairs!
Happy New Year!
Genie, a most fabulous image that I have tried in pastels in the past!
Happy New Years!
Art by Karena
What a fine image!
«Louis» knows exactly where you were when you took this shot.
All best wishes to you this New Year!
That is exceptional, Genie. Memorable. I look forward to seeing what you discover in this new year.
The colors just draw you in with it's rich orange and purple hues. It looks like a painting.
This pinkish view is amazing, Genie! Great timing.
Oh la la! There are some things that are worth rising at o'dark-thirty for, and this has to be one of them (even in December, when you have to brave the pre-dawn chill as well).
Your dedication was well-rewarded!
Wow! This is so beautiful! The reflected light is amazing!
It makes me say "OOOH la la!"
Stunning Genie!...all the best in 2011.
That is too beautiful for words. The best the new year has to offer to you!
Oooohh ... that is the pink of perfection! I love this view and in this light it is exquisite. C'est vraiment merveilleux!
Suzi -- I am ready for the ups and downs of the new year with much to be thankful for...
Shell -- Yes, I am thinking healthy after all that I have consumed over the holidays! I hope that there will be more Paris adventures to share this year
kathrin -- Merci mon amie and a big hug to you!
claudine -- Merci... meilleurs voeux pour une nouvelle année heureuse!
Janey -- Many thanks... hope that you had a beautiful snow-filled holiday
Carol -- I imagine that you could paint these vivid colors of pinks, purples, and oranges (and not even have to walk across the Seine at o'dark thirty!)
Virginia -- Well, at least this time of year sunrise is later than in the summer months so you would not have to get up quite so early. I am glad that you like this one.
Liz -- I think that it was so cold that my eyes were filled with tears, but it was amazing... I have about 10 good shots with different colors as the rising sun changed the scene. Merci!
Karena -- I would love to see your pastel version and can only imagine how beautiful it must be... Please visit again
Louis -- I'm so glad that I could take you back to this spot on such a beautiful morning. Many thanks, mon ami...
Jack -- Thank you and I hope that I will be lucky enough to share more Paris experiences in the coming year.
Randy -- Many thanks... this would have been my banner photo (or one similar) but I could not get a black template background for my blog... I settled on the red (which I do love now) but the purple and orange did not look as good color-wise as the one you see above
JM -- You are a master of great-timed shots with light and color... many thanks!
Alexa -- Here is the honest setting... Our 5:30am flight arrived early, we dropped off our bags at our hotel in the 5ième, and we walked across the Seine headed to St. Madeleine... just a matter of being in the right place at the right time
James -- I probably should have saved this for a "reflection" post, but I think that I have another with a reflection. Many thanks, o master of reflection...
debbie -- Merci, and all the best to you, mon amie.
Starman -- Et toi aussi!
Gina -- Thanks, my friend... Blogging has opened my world to many creative and talented people... so glad to have "met" you this year!
Marie -- I think that these colors are part of a special palate that compensate for the short rainy/snowy days of winter... I am very lucky... Bisous
That's a beautiful photo, Genie. Thanks for all your good wishes!
magnifique photo d'une vie en rose
je te souhaite une année 2011 aussi rose
Yes, the colour combinations are just beautiful! The barge on the right reflecting the pink hue so uniformly, in contrast. I am sure that being there is better, but the qualities we capture, (with the tools of today, thank heavens) help to keep the moment the more memorable.
Thanks for you kind message on my blog and très bonne année à toi et ta famille ! Continue to love Paris and share you great pictures with us !
This should be a post card. You take gorgeous pictures, Genie!
Petrea -- Thanks, my friend
Bergson -- Merci, et à toi aussi, mon ami!
Margaret -- Thanks for noticing all the details. It was so cold the day this was taken that I just knew it all felt beautiful but didn't focus in on the barge, etc...
Laurent -- I am only envious of your daily ability to take photos of this beautiful city... that, and all the other magnificent places you go! Merci, mon ami
Parisian Heart -- If I ever change my blog design, this will probably be my header... so glad that you like it as much as I do
Bonne année à toi aussi mon amis!! Quel belle image.
*Quel beau image
Hi Genie - just popping over to check out your blog after you so kindly dropped by to check out mine - and WOW! You are a great photographer!
Happy New Year! I hope it is filled with creativity and fun.
Brittany -- Merci, and I might not have noticed the "belle"
Helen -- Many thanks and now that JB is "on" you, regular posting will be required - hah! Thanks for your New Year wishes... If I have both creativity and fun it will indeed be a wonderful year!
What a beautiful picture to start the year! I wish you a very happy new year, full of Paris! Bisous, Aude
One of your best!
Aude -- Merci, and I hope that I will be returning to Paris soon!
Starman -- How very kind of you to say so. A bucket of thanks!
What a breathtakingly beautiful and hopeful photo that is! I love it! Bonne année Genie! xo
Sara -- I have used this as my screen-saver from time to time... There is no enhancement to the original photo (don't know how) and the colors in the sky almost look like they were painted by an artist using too many vivid colors!
Merci, mon amie!
Happy New Year! Gorgeous morning colors! What a grand photo! I enjoyed being up and out in the city before the workday began. A few moments of peace before the exciting chaos of morning commute.
We are lucky you caught all of Aurora's lovely pink fingers painting this dawn! I especially love the perfect exposure of the street lamps, and that little spot of bright blue reflection in the water that helps set off all the beautiful tangerines, purples and pinks. Kudos!
Rob -- Thank you for your kind comments. I agree about the pre-dawn time of day... it is not replicated after sunset.
Kim -- There was a lot of luck involved in this shot, but thank you for noticing the little details... luck in being in the right place at just the right time of day. Thank you for visiting... please come again.
What a fantastic shot, and so appropriate for the new year!
Happy new year Genie, wouldn't it be nice if we got to meet in person in 2011?
Nathalie -- I think that we should plan for it and I would definitely be up for a trip to "the big A" and maybe to the little A (Arles) also! Happy New Year to you also!
This shot is positively lovely. What a beautiful moment. ::le sigh:: Makes me think I should get up and out earlier when in Paris, :-))
This is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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