I never tire of seeing the candles in the magnificent churches of Paris or watching quietly the parishioners as they light une cierge. Saint-Roch was the first thing we saw every morning and the last that we saw each night from our apartment. The bells serve as a morning alarm clock reminding you not to miss a daylight moment of your time in Paris.
Previous posts on the snow-covered roof and the bells can be seen here and here.
Bon dimanche
Église Saint-Roch
Rue St. Roch et Rue St-Honoré
Lovely - there is certainly something quite magical about the churches in Paris. What better way to be woken x
Beautiful. Truly beautiful.
Bon dimanche, aussi!
The bells told me that I'd overslept and might not make it for services this morning. Gorgeous shot .
Candles and lights are magic every where..
I'm surely wrong, but the statue behind looks like Molière!
I love candles and I also love bell sound.
Your choice for this picture is perfect for our Sunday, thanks a lot!
Oh what a lovely picture...
This photo made me remember the church from my school, we used to light candles there.
My first thought was, wouldn't that be a great place for a wedding? No decor needed. Pretty, pretty.
I could go broke visiting churches in Europe, as I'm incapable of entering one without lighting a candle.
These look like they'll burn for a good long time—beautiful, Genie!
Suzi -- If you read the other comments you can see that Virginia agrees (she is there right now). Holly and I also had the "up, up, the day is wasting" moment at 8am.
Miss Sadie -- Merci... try to keep warm during your nap today
Virginia -- There's no pulling the shades at #17! Your weather in Paris is much better than B'ham... soak it all in, mon amie...
Malyss -- I have searched and cannot find a reference to the statue but I agree with you that it definitely looks like Molière and he was associated with that area of Paris (plus Palais Royal) during his time in Paris.
Léia -- Thank you... this is a beautiful church with many nice details and a rich history... I have many more photos to share over the coming months... bon dimanche, mes amis.
Ann -- Merci... During December, there are more candles and flowers than usual and quite a visual treat
Tammy -- I would love to see a wedding there or at the very least to be able to photograph the arrival of the wedding party arriving on the steps of this church
Alexa -- Merci, mon amie... I noticed many non-Parisians lighting candles during my last visit, lovely... How do I know? They often had cameras comme moi.
Hello, Genie, and thanks for your faithful commenting while I was in India. I love going into churches in France and smelling the warm wax smell of the candles...and lighting a couple, too.
Bibi -- Welcome home! It does appear that the weather in Paris is looking up and I do hope that it will be perfect for your visit coming up soon. I wish that I could meet you there! Bises
Hi Genie...I've been so busy lately and not reading my favorite blogs for sometime, so I sat down this evening and caught up on yours. Beautiful pictures (always) and so glad you found your little nativity people. You must have had a wonderful time in Paris, staying with a friend in a real Paris apartment! What a dream!!
Happy New Year!
What a peaceful looking scene Genie. I love the look of the lit candles. A perfect ending to my Sunday.
Liz -- So glad to see you back! Yes, glad to have found my little nativity people. DH and I repaired the headless camel today and he is as good as new! Paris was very special on this trip, merci.
Randy -- Thank you and I hope that you have a good workweek ahead.
You did a wonderful job of capturing the athosphere. Great lighting.
James -- Thanks! Les cierges did most of the hard work!
One October a few years ago, we actually stayed for a week in a hotel. Every Sunday I could hear bells, but I never found the church from which they rang.
Starman -- Email me the hotel and I'll track it down... I do love the church bells but probably glad that I do not live next door to them on a regular basis.
Lovely shot Genie...
Chieftess -- Merci, mon amie!
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