Thursday, May 10, 2012

Boulangerie - Pâtisserie

I wonder if there are more churches or more boulangeries in Paris?

It is good to walk a long distance between the cafés and the boulangeries and the pâtisseries and the fromageries and the crêperies and....




Randy said...

Break out the cheese and the wine!

Sylvia K said...

It's getting late here, but I'm ready for cheese, bread, wine -- whatever they have!!! Have a great day, Genie!


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Genie:
Now that is a very good point!! We should not mind at all a little exploratory walk!!

martinealison said...

Dans les villages autrefois, il y avait au moins deux boulangeries pour une église... A présent je ne sais pas...
Une belle photo qui sent bon le pain frais...
Gros bisous

Vreni said...

Thinking of all the boulangeries my mouth is watering! I want a croissant aux amandes right now!!!!!

Joe said...

If you walk long distances you've earned more bread, cakes and coffee.

cath carbone said...

Tu dois apprécié les bonnes pâtisserie et viennoiseries!
es-tu gourmande ?

Janey and Co. said...

I am will be happy to go over and count!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

More churches or boulangeries in France? What an interesting question Genie. A close call I would say.

Amanda Summer said...

are there more churches or more boulangeries in paris?

now that question deserves a short story of its own -

My name is Riet said...

I love it all and would love to be there too, the patisserie....oh oh

Cezar and Léia said...

Delicious idea!

Maria said...

Cheese, wine?
I love it all, next week I am in France, mmmmmm

Virginia said...

No, I think there are more optical shops! :)

Anonymous said...

Knowing me, I would probably have to stop and enjoy something along the way at each shop! HA

Auberge chez Richard said...

Boulangeries must win the day - hand down, kneed I say more?

milton said...

Em janeiro estarei em Paris novamente,uma cidade maravilhosa

Alexa said...

A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou beside me in Paris—walking it off. Probably the cafés outnumber both.

Mary said...

Yes! Walking is excellent. Good for our hearts and souls and to burn of some of those.. er.. super yummy things to eat! :D

TheChieftess said...

I think it's a toss up!!!

freerangegirl said...

I'm loving your blog- I adore Paris and your pictures really bring it to life. I'm hoping for a Paris weekend next year - I can't wait!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

More boulangeries, bien sûr. But then again, some of us worship a good baguette.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

More boulangeries, bien sûr. But then again, some of us worship a good baguette.

Pat said...

I'm guessing there are more cafes, patisseries, fromageries and creperies than churches in Paris! This patisserie looks delightful.

Pet said...

You are making me hungry! :-)