Monday, March 28, 2011

Palais Garnier - Illumination

Always look "up" or you might miss something spectacular like this...

Le Grand Escalier (The Grand Staircase)
Palais Garnier


mim said...

What a wonderful portfolio of photos, thankyou Genie.

So true you must always look up.

Great shot, brings up wonderful memories for me.

Anonymous said...

Je sais, Genie, je sais... Mais ma maman m'a dit que je devais cesser de regarder ainsi sous les balcons...
Bon début de semaine!

Malyss said...

Your picture is a perfect sum up of this wonderful place! rich, elegant, surprising, and wonderful!

Dianne said...

Your photo is just gorgeous Genie - pretty and beautiful and delightful in every way. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. I will be sure to be looking up down and turning cross eyed trying not to miss a thing.

Louis la Vache said...

Indeed, when visiting Palais Garnier, turn your head in every direction. It is truly a visual feast.

Ann said...

I'm in awe ♥

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Paris is sooooo beautiful!

M said...

Aaaahhhhhbsolutely beautiful! You captured the light and the opulence perfectly.

Harriet said...

Good advice! And this photo proves your point. The luminosity of the lights makes this photo. Why do I love Paris? Beautiful things to see in all directions!

Rob said...

Perfect point of view, something different to see.

Anonymous said...

The Garnier is so beautiful! Thank you for this treat early in the morning!

Virginia said...

Love this POV Genie. I must get in there one day!

Cildemer said...

C'est grandiose!
Et oui! Il faut toujours lever la tête pour ne rien rater;o)

Big BISOUS et belle semaine, Genie****

TheChieftess said...

My motto when traveling...always look up!...sideways...and all around me!!!

Unknown said...

have a nice time my dear ! big hugh Kathrin

biebkriebels said...

You're right, up there are beautiful things to see.

Loree said...

That is beyond beautiful. It looks so very grand and uplifting.

Amanda Summer said...

i get dizzy just looking at that foto - magnifique!!

Starman said...

Le Palais Garnier is magnificent.

Vagabonde said...

I also think that the Opera Garnier is magnifique. You post so many pretty pictures that it is hard to keep up. When you go to Paris how many pictures to you take a day? How many cameras do you use? I am asking because I’ll be in Paris in several weeks and will need to take some memory cards. I had not taken many pictures on my other trips because, well you know it is home, not like when I travel abroad. But this time I wish to take many pictures.

Anonymous said...

Makes me wonder how much time people in those days spent on their backs. *wink*


Halcyon said...

A grand view!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

To all -- I will be back to my regular commenting soon. Many thanks for your visits.

Vagabonde -- I take two cameras and many, many shots every day, maybe 500 or more? It depends. One camera is an underwater camera which comes in handy when you really want to shoot in the rain or snow!

Jack said...

Beautiful angle and beautiful shot, Genie.

cath carbone said...

Genie tes photos sont magnifiques!

Louise said...

So true. It is such a beautiful interior, there was an amazing room upstairs with falling star paintwork. Glorious. Thanks for the memory Genie.

Madalina Dascalu said...

nice angle and idea of photo capture

Randy said...

Good lesson. So grand!

Gunn said...

I love the way/the angel you have used to compose this lovely image!

Unknown said...

Fantastic perspective, Genie!

Photos by Stan said...

This would be a perfect entry for the Sunday Stills: Shoot High, Shoot Low.