The oval reading room looks as if we have turned back a page in history with its emerald green lamps, long study tables, and book stacks. The BnF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) probably looks like it did over 150 years ago here at the Richelieu Library. The recent and ongoing renovations are delivering the latest in technology along with a café and bookstore. I previously brought you to this building to see the escalier.
The room is quiet as a library's reading room should be. Holly and I took photos as dear Peter (Peter's Paris) kept guard.
Did I mention that there were large "Pas de Photos" signs in every window... oops!
Bibliothèque Nationale de France - Richelieu
5, rue Vivienne
For more weekend reflections see James' Newtown Area Photo
Beautiful reading room and my! look at all those books~ I could do some serious reading in there,
with those gorgeous green lamps to light my way. So nice of Peter to keep watch while you clicked a wonderful pic for us to enjoy. xx
Je n'y suis jamais allé, mais je crains qu'en entrant à la Bibliothèque de France, la tête me tourne... Que de livres! Que de livres!... Je me demanderais vraiment par où commencer...
Excellente photo, Genie!
What no Kindle?
All cell phones have cameras and that makes no photos difficult to enforce. It's us guys with the big cameras that have problems.
Cette bibliothèque ferait plaisir à mon mari qui en possède déjà beaucoup... La maison est envahie de livres...
gros bisous
That looks lovely and quiet. I believe I could get some work done there :-)
I just love the light, and the perspective that you've captured. We can see those beautiful windows and the shelves upon shelves of books. Thanks for sharing Genie!
what a great place, is mystic, I love it !!! have a nice weekend my dear friend ! big hugh Kathrin
I m so sorry because of tsunami at japan
For months I lived there, once upon a time, reading and researching art history for my dissertation. That place is utter magic when you're stationed there day in and day out. Even the cheap coffee machine outside becomes worthy of nostalgia.
Wow! I don't know how much reading I'd get done. I'd be too busy looking around and up!
Brave girl, thanks so much for this picture! :)
Here it's impossible to hide my camera, because I need to leave all stuffs inside the cabinet. :(
This picture is impressive, and the place is HUGE!
I love books, I'm always reading something.Nowadays I'm trying to read French books to improve vocabulary.
It helps a lot!
If I hadn't done the same thing, I would of course advise the Bibilothéque Nationale and the local police authorities! The place is certainly worth a photo (or two)! :-)
It is really a beautiful place, must be great to sit there and read a book. Brave of you to take a picture, always those stupid rules, glad you broke them.
Peter is a terrific accomplice! He stood by with a straight face and encouraged my photos in the Metro and only later mentioned he had been apprehended doing so! :)
I love this shot Genie. Another place I"ve not seen.
I have never been in here, but this is just gorgeous!
Very cool photo! I got busted when I tried to take this shot. :(
Oh, good for you, Genie! I'm so glad you got the photo and that you didn't get caught!! What an incredible place! Hope you have a great weekend -- don't get caught whatever you do!! We'd miss your photos!!!
Naughty you - but I'm glad you got it. It's a room worth seeing.
Ahhh....the things we photo bloggers are willing to do to get the right shot!!! Thank you Peter for running interference for Genie on this shot...it's wonderful Genie!!!
And I think I'd spend a whole lot more time in this library...I just went to a meeting of the Friends of the Library for Mammoth...the entire building could fit in this gorgeous place...with room to spare!!!
There are some places where "Pas de Photos" just doesn't make sense. This is one of them.
I for one am thrilled that you didn't 'see' the 'Pas de Photos' signs!!! What an impressive place!
I hate that sign, "pas de photo"... But I guess it is quite an obligation, with all those persons taking picture with flash, which must be disturbing, when you are trying to study in that (gorgeous) library...
We are quite lucky you actually took the picture anyway to share it with us now...
I'm so happy to have a sneak peek, you mischief maker, you.
This is a library with character! I have never seen a bibliothéque like that! It's funny but in my language we call it " bibliotheek" ! We have so many French words in my language, we must have inherited that from the napoleonic times.
Have a great weekend!
Genie, our special agent in the Bnf! :o
I don't understand why pictures are allowed in museums and not in a library..This makes your picture very precious!
Have a nice week-end!
Good girl for being a bad girl! Or, to paraphrase, no bad deed goes unrewarded—this image is super, Genie!
(I too have fond memories of this place. But when I was there, there were no laptops!)
what a breathtaking room! and an incredible photo, i'm glad you were able to take it. amazing!
Keen to go here, it's near where I live. Great pic. Rob x
What a lovely place to read a book.
Is there no place in Paris safe from your inquiring camera? Thankfully, you are everywhere with it! I look forward to seeing the results of your upcoming trip.
What a beautiful place!
Old is good...
i can easily imagine settling into that space for an afternoon of leisurely reading, followed by a nice latte (and you said they have a cafe there, too, non? ;-)
That's great! Love your shot! And I promise I won't say anybody you took photos there;o)
Big BISOUS et à bientôt, Genie****
Dianne -- The wood, the size, and the green lamps caught my attention, too... Yes, well Peter was not so innocent
Richard -- Tu dois y'aller quand tu seras à Paris... Merci!
Andy -- Well, they are electronically connected here but I do not think so. I would certainly miss the "library smell" - I think that the primary concern is over **flash** photos which I would not do (nor would you)
Sara Louise -- It was quite quiet and I would probably be distracted by the incredible architecture and surroundings - hah!
Brittany -- How would you like to study there? I am amazed over the 3 levels of books!
It does look like the good ol' days! It's magnificent.
I think the librarians would have to drag me out of that gorgeous reading room. ICan you just imagine sitting in there doing research on something that interests you. and about which you want to learn more. On your table you have those traditional green library lamps and then above you there are those unusual round skylights plus the huge one in the center of the ceiling. It is like you are stepping back in history the minute you walk in there.This is a beautiful composed and captured shot.
The Other Genie
Magnificent! What a fantastic play of light! I am soooo glad you don't know how to read French and didn't know what Pas de photos meant ;-) This is a perfect example that it's far better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission! I look forward to visiting this gorgeous place in person!
Wow. Good thing my French is so poor. If I saw "pas de photos" signs, I would wonder who they wanted me to pass the photos to.
martine -- Ton mari voudrait y aller... Ce n'est pas possible d'avoir trop de livres! gros bisous à toi, mon amie!
kathrin -- It is mystical, perfect! I hope that you have a nice weekend, too, ma puce!
AA -- You should have had a little fashion shoot in there... that would have been perfect! I think that they have a little coffee shop which is part of the renovations... not sure if it is up and working quite yet.
Tammy -- You and I are on the same page with that thought... I would probably just be looking for little details (and get kicked out)
Léia -- It is a huge room. I have a little point-and-shoot camera which I could use for extra-stealth but this was taken with a "big digital" -- I feel certain that your French vocabulary is quite good.
Peter -- Yes, and as I remember you were taking photos of Holly and me as we were standing right under the "no-no" sign, shooting away - hah!
biebkriebels -- Oh, I am just a little bit of a rebel! It helps if I have an audience egging me on. It was worth it to get the photo.
Virginia -- Yes, that innocent Peter can get the naive photographers into lots of trouble - hah! (just kidding, Peter)
Halcyon -- Just put this one on your list as there is much more to see here
James -- Well now, you should have had a look-out! Tant pis pour toi.
Sylvia -- Oh, I only take little risks, my dear, and I carefully weigh the consequences. There is a difference between a little scolding and an arrest, hehe
jennyfreckles -- It is worth seeing and there are only two mostly wood doors providing access... not much room to take a shot. Glad to see you out and about... hope that you are with your mom by now.
Chieftess -- Oh yes, and when V and I were shooting together last June it was like the paparazzi had arrived - hah!
Starman -- I agree and if those taking photos would turn off the flash, there might not be so many "no-no" signs!
Kelley -- Oh, but I did see them, but that was my innocent, "who me?" response at the ready!
'Tsuki -- Merci, mon amie... take it without flash and they might not say anything.
Meri -- Mischief maker? Probably... I think it keeps you young to be a bit spontaneous... glad that you approve!
Reader Wil -- And in English we call it a library which would really be a bookstore by the French faux ami.
Malyss -- Maybe I should get a fake badge to wear for my stealth activities - hah! You made me laugh. Bon weekend à toi.
Alexa -- I was thinking about you and remembering going to the NYC public library (with the large lions)... I think that their reading room is stunning (green lamps) but I have not seen it since I was a child.
Suzanne -- So glad you can take this virtual trip with me, and that you like this place... It took my breath away and was a great little surprise when I peered in the window.
Rob -- Get yourself there! It is a hidden treasure, but you are so close... Merci for your comment!
Loree -- I would have trouble concentrating surrounded by all that elegant detail (begging to be photographed)
Carol -- Not many places! I generally do not do men's rooms (unless they are empty) -- just kidding
Pat -- I agree... old is good!
Amanda -- I will check when I am there in April but they either have it under construction or have just completed the coffee shop... merci and have a great weekend!
Cildemer -- Yes, and they won't recognize me when I return because I was not the one in the bright red coat! gros bisous!
EG -- I do not remember them quite like this, but I'll go with it... merci!
Genie -- I would love to sit in here, particularly when it was gray and dreary outside... I am glad that you like this one!
Marie -- Yeah, that's what I would say! Put this one on the list as there is much to see in this entire building
Jack -- You are so very funny, but if you were waving around a big digital camera and *flashing* they would probably not let you go!
Wow love this place!
Thank you for sharing.
Been there many many times, it's a magic place
C'est beau, hein ?
(P.S.: you might want to add an e to Nationale! :-))
Regina -- Glad that you like this one... merci.
Rob and Mandy -- Oh you are so fortunate to have had access to this magnificent reading room!
Ciel -- Merci, mon amie... "e" added. Always tell me.
Majestic frame with a beautiful light. I like
The lens flare also adds an appropriate touch to this secret photo. Glad you took the risk and got the shot!
Leovi -- Thank you for your comment and for stopping by.
Miss Kodee -- Sometimes the flare works for us... It gives this scene an almost ghostly appearance... merci.
What a place, look at those walls! Awesome!
JM -- Walls full of books... 3 floors of them, just amazing!
We really should visit this spectacular place next time!
breathtaking. Imagine all who have passed through this place.
Cette bibliothèque est pour moi un vrai sanctuaire de plus d'une beauté...
I would love to visit this place one day. What history the walls must have seen.
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