Although La Tour is the view that brings me to tears, when I close my eyes and think of Paris I see the Seine, the lifeblood of the city.
The Seine has many looks as seen in my post on the first day of the year and my header. It has been the witness to the history of the city and could tell personal stories of triumph and tragedy.
I have posted 7 views of this river and here are two: Petit Pont et Notre Dame and La Ville-Lumière.
oh I love that City, New York and Paris, my most favorite cities, have a great day, big hugh Kathrin
Les bords de Seine sont très beaux, de jour comme de nuit. Elle est bordée par tant de beaux monuments!... Je partage ton enthousiasme pour toutes ces belles vues.
Merci, et bonne journée, Genie!
Beautiful picture, beautiful light and atmosphere!!
Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine
Et nos amours
Faut-il qu'il m'en souvienne
La joie venait toujours après la peine
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure
Les mains dans les mains restons face à face
Tandis que sous
Le pont de nos bras passe
Des éternels regards l'onde si lasse
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure
L'amour s'en va comme cette eau courante
L'amour s'en va
Comme la vie est lente
Et comme l'Espérance est violente
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure
Passent les jours et passent les semaines
Ni temps passé
Ni les amours reviennent
Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine
Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
Les jours s'en vont je demeure
"Le Pont Mirabeau"
Apollinaire, Alcools (1912)
Paris and the Seine, depending on the light, can be seen in a different light...and then we have the different viewpoints to consider!
Lovely once again, Genie, there is something about this glorious river. From many angles it is different. I love it at night, I love it by bus, I love it on the water.....gorgeous. I can't wait to glimpse it soon. x
You have captured this beautiful enchanting river perfectly Genie.
What a classic image. This deserves to be printed on calenders, in travel books and on canvases. I love it that much!
Sunlight falls so beautifully on the stonework!
Rivers are the lifeblood of so many great cities.I'm surprised and pleased to see this image today,it ties in complelely with my new post about World Water Day.
To your followers.....please view my blog and join in!!!
The last time I went, We stayed on a campsite at Maisons Lafitte - which was on the banks of the Seine. We also met where it reaches the sea at Honfleur this year too. It is indeed a might river. x
The Conciergerie is one of my favorite spots in Paris.You caught it with a pretty light!
Goodness this is stunning. It's exactly the view that impressed upon me, over and over, year after year, how mighty is the Seine and the historical weight of Paris. I tend to see Paris as a small, walkable town--but it also has this *grand* side.
I can't wait to return . . . My heart squeezes.
Beautiful capture. And if I haven't mentioned it before, I love your banner. I never tire of opening your blog knowing that I am going to have such a wonderful view of Paris.
Gorgeous picture! The Seine is truly unforgettable. In fact everything in Paris is unforgettable, it incites this longing to return. Thank you for the spectacular images.
I know it's Paris because I recognize le Pont Neuf et la Conciergerie, but it seems like another city for some reason.
You are always very talented with your camera, this picture is wonderful!
ahhh Paris!
Something about this photo really makes me feel like I'm there. Beautiful!
Indeed one of the finest views in Paris!
Excellent shot of one of my favorite views!
Bon eh bien Bergson l'a dit avant moi. I think of Guillaume Apollinaire too when I see this photo. Superbe lumière.
There you go again! Love the way is sky is dark and the Pont Neuf is lit up. Big sigh.
Yes, Paris is always beautiful, from every corner. I must go again soon.
The sunlight on the bridge is so wonderful.
The lighting is really fantastic!
This is a lovely view of La Seine. Did you take all the 37 Paris bridges? There are some big ones too out of Paris since la Seine goes all the way to Le Havre. Will you follow her to the sea sometime? That would be an interesting collection of pictures. I also like your Eiffel Tower – the color is so different that it looks like it’s made of aluminum in a way – very nice.
Yes, the Seine is perfect. Wide enough to have some grandeur, but narrow enough to be easily bridged. I am a Rive Gauche kind of guy. I could spend days wandering through the booksellers.
So lovely. I wonder if anyone has every jumped in in a fit of excitement.
kathrin -- If I lived in Paris I might feel the same passion for New York... both great cities, mon amie!
Richard -- Nous nous partageons l'amour de la Seine et de l'architecture des ponts... Merci, mon ami
Vreni -- Merci... The light does magical things with this river
Bergson -- Merci, merci, merci! J'adore ce poème-ci... "Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure Les jours s'en vont je demeure"... Je ne le connais pas mais maintenant je l'apprendrai par coeur.
Samantha -- It's a different view every day... Merci!
Suzi -- You will be there to see it in many places...
Dianne -- Merci, mon amie!
Brittany -- I think that it is although it is not trivialized as much as La Tour E... We can buy $1 shopping bags in pink and black with the Eiffel Tower at TJMaxx (discounted dept store)
R -- Merci, and I am hopping over to see World Water Day... I did not know that!
Diane -- I am envious and must see more of this river!
Malyss -- Merci, and the bridge itself had undergone a cleaning... It looks almost white.
AA -- Love it... my heart "squeezes" too... Merci!
Harriet -- I may eventually change my banner but not until I give out all of my "business cards" with the photo and title - hah! Glad that you like it!
Karen -- So nice to see you and glad that you like the scene here... Thanks for your thoughtful comments.
Starman -- Probably because the bridge is so perfectly pristine in this photo... glad that you like!
Léia -- My camera loves Paris and all that it sees there... merci, mes amis
Tammy -- Even in photos you can feel the movement of the water in the Seine
Rob and Mandy -- Merci, mes amis!
James -- You have probably captured this same view at night which would be stunning!
Ciel -- I did not know that poem but have now researched it and will memorize it by Monday (goal-driven I am!) It is an amazing poem of depth and I will go to Pont Mirabeau for photos of the bridge and of the plaque to Apollinaire when I am there in April... merci à toi aussi!
Alexa -- Your weather should be fabulous in Paris next week and I want to see many photos and hear the stories! Bon anniversaire à toi!
biebkriebels -- Let me know if you are going in April!
Elizabeth -- Merci, mon amie!
Vagabonde -- I need to do that but I get distracted along the way. Wouldn't that be wonderful to follow the Seine all the way to the sea. That would be something to write about... so glad to see you... I am going to hop over and visit you... Bises, mon amie.
Picture postcard perfect :-)
Jack -- Rive Gauche - Rive Droite... It's all wonderful and different! I sorta figured you for a "Rive Gauche kind of guy" but there are art galleries and museums on both sides, n'est-ce pas?
Randy -- I imagine that over the centuries there are many who jumped, who were pushed, who wore concrete shoes, ....
Sara -- Merci, and happy anniversary!
Ohhhh...I LIKE this one!!! Wonderful lighting...very much the Paris I remember!!!
Chieftess -- The light in Paris is indeed special, sometimes elusive - hah!
A marvel. I want to live in one of those turrets in the background. :) xox Alexandra
Beautiful Picture. I was just blog walking and found your blog.
Following you and looking forward to enjoy your daily pictures.
I love the view.
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