The chancel (choir) organ of Église Saint-Roch is the creation of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, widely considered to be the greatest organ builder of the 19th century. His many innovations and inventions produced the "symphonic organ" which permitted an organ to sound like the individual instruments in a symphony or to be played simultaneously.
There are two organs in Saint-Roch. The chancel organ above is dated 1845 and the grand gallery organ (seen below) has an interesting history. One could say that it was created and re-created over a 90 year period beginning in 1751 (Lesclop), 1770 (Clicquot), and Cavaillé-Coll in 1840. It has remained in a constant state of improvements up to the current time.

My blog-friend Evan Kreider has produced a masterful post, full of photos of this magnificent church and once you have seen this you will understand why I will be posting another church next Sunday. (a smile, a wink, and a "great job" to Evan)
The site of many burials, Nathalie of Avignon-in-Photos told me that the beloved French actress Annie Girardot was memorialized at a funeral here at Église Raint-Roch just weeks ago (on March 5th).
Bon dimanche
Église Saint-Roch
Rue St. Roch et Rue St-Honoré
De telles grandes orgues sont magnifiques. D'assister à un concert, c'est formidable. Et quand on peut écouter du Bach, alors là, c'est l'apothéose.
Bon dimanche, Genie!
I agree with Richard: a Toccata of Bach, in such a place..OMG!:)
Have a happy sunday!
What a blast!
Being a pianist, can you imagine what it must feel like to play such a magnificent musical instrument?
What a perfect Sunday present. I love Eglise Saint-Roch! We stayed near there in June last year, and got to hear an amazing gospel concert that still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I think of it. It was as close as I will ever come to a religious conversion I suspect.
I too play piano as do all my family. My father is the by far the best and has played both piano and organ professionally. I would love to hear him play this beast. great post finally got my computer back so playing catch up. Regards Kev.
Thanks for sharing this interesting information about Saint-Roch.
Such a gorgeous church--and photographs. I loved visiting it for its music recitals. Ahhh, the amazing free music available in Paris. . . .
What a grand size. It must make some 'noise'.
I don't think I realized there were two organs when we were there. I was lovely hearing the choir sing from our apt! Soon you will again. Sigh....
PS WHERE are the macarons?
Fascinating and glorious!
Incredible! I would love to be there this Sunday afternoon to enjoy a spring concert!
The organ in the smaller pic is absolutely gorgeous!
A good, big church organ is heavenly. Last fall we were in Florence and walked past a church with open windows while the organist was pracicing. We just stood or sat there for 20 minutes and listened from outside the church.
Not only one magnificent organ but two! That's truly amazing!
God bless you!
Wow those would be a dream for any organist. I look forward to your post next Sunday. Have a wonderful Sunday!
Too bad we don't experience organ music too often. It is grand and awe inspiring.
J'aime aller écouter des concerts dans les églises...
Très bel orgue que celui-ci...
Gros bisous et merci pour votre gentil commentaire.
This so reminded me of the organ in St. Sernin in Toulouse. http://tiny.cc/od0fz
Richard and Malyss (en anglais) -- I would love to hear Bach's Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, two organs, and let's open the doors and blow the roof off (well, almost)... fantastic!
Andy -- Uh, yes! (see above comment to R and M)
Sam -- I play piano but two of my sisters would love to get their hands on either/both
Louise -- I imagine that was magnificent... I am hoping that friend Marie and I will be able to hear a music presentation when we are there in a few weeks!
Kev -- I would love to hear him also... He could take requests from all of us! So glad that you are back up and running with a computer... technology is great as long as it works
Jeanne -- Be sure to click on the link to Evan's blog as he covers all but the organs
AA -- Yes the music in the churches of Paris are fabulous but many of them come with a charge (understandable)... St-Roch had one when I was there in December.
Bird -- I hope to hear it/them in full glory in April!
Virginia -- I think that even Evan missed that point in his fabulous post... In looking at my photos, I saw both organs but kept looking at them thinking that I had snapped another church next to this one... Nope, two organs and their histories read like a novel.
Macarons? I promise to make them before we see each other next. I know what you will request... Oh, and they are better than the bakery, but you already knew that!
Carol -- Be sure to put it on your list as it is easy to find and close to other worthy sites
Jojo -- I would too! We could all meet there to hear Kev's dad perform!
JM -- I would have shown a large format photo but it did not measure up to my quality standards ;-)
Jack -- That is one of those little jewels that you sometimes find when alert to your surroundings... It probably is a concert that you will not ever forget
Cezar -- I am going to pay more attention to the organs in Paris churches. God bless you this Sunday also.
Randy -- I will try not to disappoint you so I had better get busy on a good one!
Rosaria -- Most of the organ music I hear is at church or on classical radio stations... Nothing like hearing it live in Paris!
martine -- Merci mille fois et la prochaine fois j'ecrirai en francais
Starman -- Merci... I am in a plane but will check out the link... I assume that you are up and running again?
The organs in the churches of Paris would make a fine subject all their own for a blog dedicated to them.
The following site says that there are actually sometimes three organs in Saint-Roch--one placed higher at the back of the nave (the Grand-Orgue), the smaller Romantic organ within the choir (Orgue de choeur) and the smaller one with just one keyboard (four ranks: 8,8,4,2) for the Chapel of the Virgin (but I don't recall seeing this last one): Les Orgues de Paris (http://orgue.free.fr/paris.html)
To hear the Grand Organ at Saint-Roch, go to:
I learn so much from you, Genie. Bet you can't wait to be back across the street!
As for yesterday's wonderful photo, that's exactly how i want to spend my old age (in Paris, bien sur)!
Interesting shots. I love all your in-depth church info. :)
I love organs,the sound is magnificent and these look beautiful. Rx
Can't wait to experience this magnificent church and both of the organs!!!
Wow. How fabulous!
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