Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Séduction - Dalloyau




5, boulevard Beaumarchais
75004, Paris
Métro Bastille


Randy said...

It's much too pretty to eat, oh who am I kidding. Pass the plate!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes indeed!!!

cath carbone said...

magnifique Genie, c'est bientôt l'anniversaire de ma fille et Dalloyau est un bonheur de plaisir de dégustation!! A vos fourchettes...
Bises Cath.

Starman said...

Miam miam!!!

Mary said...

Gorgeous. I'll be seduced anytime!

Rhodesia said...

Wow that looks yummy. Diane

miss b said...

Delicious looking cakes as pretty as this one are irresistible!
PS Lovely to see that you are now following my blog. Thank you!

Andy said...

Seduction... yes. Not what I was expecting. What can I say? I'm a guy. :)

M said...

Pistache et fraise? Miam-miam!! Such sweet temptation!

Pat said...

And that's powerful stuff...it can seduce four people at once.

Malyss said...

A glance= +10 kgs! (sigh...) :o)

JoeinVegas said...

It's working on me

Jeanie said...

Looks to DIE for!

Alexa said...

You bet! But at 28.80 euros, I'd try to make it feed more than four. :~}

Jack said...

OK, I'm in. Maybe we can split it?

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I will get the party plates and we can each have a taste. Although I love exquisite sweets, I do not require quantity, only quality. So, just a taste will be fine with me.

The cakes and treats in the pâtisserie windows are works of art.

Malyss, even without converting kgs to lbs I knew that you were right!


Joe said...

Hmmmm! Would love a piece of this cake Genie. To be eaten slowly I suspect.

Daryl said...

oooh la la

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Ditto what Daryl said and add oh my my :))

Louise said...

Framboise and pistache! A definite favourite combo. It looks totally seductive.