Église Saint-Étienne du Mont sits among some giants in the Latin Quarter, just across from the Pantheon on Place Saint Geneviève. It is difficult to choose a favorite church in Paris, but this would surely be high on my list.
Bon dimanche
Église Saint Étienne du Mont
1 place Ste-Geneviève
75005, Paris
Cette photo est magnifique, Genie. Très bien prise, et l'éclairage l'a avantagée.
Mais je suis inquiet. Oui. Car, à force de passer ton temps dans les églises, je me demande si tu ne vas pas bientôt recevoir un appel divin et te sentir obligée de prendre le voile... :-)
This truly is a great shot which captures it all: the stained glass, the imposing structures , the elegance and the cool refuge on a hot August Sunday.
Quite a lovely spot. I have nevere visited inside....I will have to go sometime soon. Thank You, Genie!
What a fabulous photo, Genie. I agree with This Is Belgium: you have captured everything.
I love that staircase!
I can see why it's a favorite Genie, it's so lovely, when you pull the windows in close they are so beautiful and the fretwork on the stairs, it may be small but it's very appealing! Love Sunday churches in Paris, thanks.
Love seeing all the details in this photo. I chuckled when I read Richard's comment...c'est très drôle!
Richard has a point, but he doesn't know you like I do !
Lovely angle you chose for this Genie. I think this is the crown jewel of this particular church.
Bon dimanche
I wish I had been here as a child. It would have kept me entertained for an hour. hahahaha
Et moi aussi! This church is filled with light, angels and intricately carved structures ... A true masterpiece that touches the spirit deep inside. Bon dimanche!
Well, you know it's at the top of my list, Genie! I never fail to be blown away by these staircases (so beautifully captured here by you). As for Richard's comment, if you were cloistered that would be the end of pastry research, just for starters. Yeah, it'll never happen! :~}
Okay, I will be the first to admit.. I don't have a clue what Richard said, but I do agree with everyone else...beautiful!
Je crois ma préférée.
Et quel magnifique jubé le seul dans Paris
Bon dimanche
Gorgeous church! It would be high on my list as well! And what a terrific capture, Genie!! I always love your composition! Always makes for such an incredible shot! Hope you've had a good weekend, mon amie!
There are so many gorgeous churches. I love the way you've photographed this window and the architectural details.
High on your list? Understandably so, judging from the beauty of this photo.
I love this Church! I especially love the coffin of Ste-Geneviève :)
I just love those windows. The work involved is amazing.
The architecture, the windows, I always think of Pillars of the Earth when I see images like these!
Art by Karena
This is such a beautiful angle of this church. Those stained glass windows are stunning!
These beautiful windows look striking against the warm tones of the stone.
Interesting composition!
Bon dimanche Genie,
These details are wonderful.
Nice perspective, too
Very nice, Genie. There are so many spectacular churches that I don't know how anyone can choose. Fortunately, we don't need to pick.
As a photographer I often wonder if you are seeing what I think I saw... today, I would say "oui" making it a wonderful day in blog-land.
Janey, Richard thinks that I may receive a divine call to "take the veil" which made Harriet laugh and Virginia to comment that she knows me too well... pretty funny, mon ami, Richard!
This was Alexa's favorite when she lived in Paris and as autourdupuit pointed out it has the only rood screen in Paris.
There are so many amazing churches in Paris that I would not be able to select just one, but this one has many visual and historical treasures.
Bird, for a child, I would hand him/her a tablet and ask them to draw a angel and count how many s/he can see. It would take much longer than ten minutes.
Nice Photo. There must have been a lot of stained glass in there. Kind of reminds me of the every so popular church in Montreal. I can see why you highly regard this church as high in your list amongst the rest. It must be the history and architecture. I know I keep saying this, but I will have to visit Paris for sure.
Have a good one!
I love this church and I love this photo!
a stunning shot genie!! breathtaking! the light and shadow play is perfect.
Beautiful shot of a sanctuary!
Cassy fromAcoustic Guitar Online
I always meant to go to Saint-Etienne to check out the cool staircase, but I never made it.
Genie, the way you composed this shot is outstanding! Well done.
such a great shot~
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