Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jardin du Luxembourg - La Fontaine Médicis

2010 - June 19 DSC_0780

The Medici Fountain
Jardin du Luxembourg

This quiet space is found just east of the Sénat 
with the closest garden entrance at Place P. Claudel.  
The garlands of ivy on the long sides of the pool 
provide a respite from the otherwise crowded garden.  

Even when all of these chairs are filled, 
there is a hush and reverence, 
perhaps a tacit understanding by those who come here.  

It is one of my favorite quiet places in Paris

bon weekend

Medici Fountain
Jardin du Luxembourg
75006, Paris


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

There is a serene and calmmess in this place !

Randy said...

What a beautiful looking spot.

Sylvia K said...

And another perfect spot!! You do have a great list of them, Genie!! I'd love to visit them all!!

Tamera said...

A lovely place to sit and enjoy a mild afternoon!

s.c said...

The color of the chairs and fence blend nicely with the surrounding stone color and pebbles of the path. Also like the composition. Well done.

Vreni said...

This is one of my favourite places in Paris!

M said...

This is definitely an ahhhhhhh spot! I have such a great photo of you in one of these chairs :)

c'est Jeff ici said...

What I really love about this fountain, aside from its peaceful surroundings, is the optical illusion of the water in the fountain slanting uphill. Strangely, it is hardly ever mentioned in guide books and I have even found a few people who just don't see it but it is so obvious that it actually disoriented me the first time I saw the fountain.

Jeanie said...

I love this garden and its beautiful fountain. It is one of my favorite places as well.

Jack said...

We all need quiet spots every now and then, but I usually opt for busier places where I can watch the girls. Excuse me. Watch the people.

Betty Manousos said...

what beautiful looking spot. i wish i could go there.

Shirley said...

A serenely beautiful scene. You can hear the hush in reverence for the beauty.

beretboy said...

Every visit to Paris I pick up something tasty at Gerard Mulot, walk to the Medici Fountain and have a nice quiet lunch. Parfait.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Beretboy, I will look for you there with the Gerard Mulot sack or box... be sure to bring enough to share.

Betty, you would love this in any season.

Jack, there are plenty here, there, and everywhere in Paris!

Shirley, there is not a "quiet" sign, but one would think so. The rest of this very large park may be noisy, but not here.


cath carbone said...

j'adore le jardin du Luxembourg,j'y ai passé des heures entières, j'allais à la faculté juste à côté et j'habitais deux rues plus loin!
Merveilleux souvenirs pour moi! Merci.

Lisa Graham said...

This looks so gorgeous. I think I could sit at one of the tables and read or sketch for hours.