Living in a city without "comprehensive public transportation" I am fascinated at how easy it is to get to anywhere, anywhere at all, in Paris. Nothing is more fun than plotting out the "path" with the fewest transfers to get from Point A to Point B in Paris. The first half-dozen times in Paris I only rode the Métro (or RER) and walked. After facing the challenge of the bus routes, I found that you might actually get to Point B quicker on a bus and take in the sights à la fois!
Métro Mabillon was a regular stop on my visit to Paris in juin and I was encouraged by M. Cantona's velvety French to "Restez cool." Since the high temperature in Paris during the week of my visit was about 65F (18C) it was not difficult to follow his direction. I wonder if the Parisians commuting in the sweltering temperatures of 30C and above wish that all the Métro passengers were buying his product.
Eric Cantona, il est beau gosse or as Cécile would say "Trobooogosse" (which was, of course, not in any translator but being a smart girl I figured it out -- wink)
Métro Mabillon was a regular stop on my visit to Paris in juin and I was encouraged by M. Cantona's velvety French to "Restez cool." Since the high temperature in Paris during the week of my visit was about 65F (18C) it was not difficult to follow his direction. I wonder if the Parisians commuting in the sweltering temperatures of 30C and above wish that all the Métro passengers were buying his product.
Eric Cantona, il est beau gosse or as Cécile would say "Trobooogosse" (which was, of course, not in any translator but being a smart girl I figured it out -- wink)
avec photoshop les publicitaire arrive à rendre tout le monde tropbogosse
We could certainly use a little restez cool here now ... Every time I saw that billboard I thought it might have been more effective to have jolies filles asking men to wear deodorant :-)
Maybe if he took his shirt off, he'd be cooler! :)
Oh la la, V! (Though you make an excellent point.)
This makes me think of the Serge Gainsbourg song "Relax Baby Be Cool."
The advertisements in Paris are always interesting. I wish that I had taken a photo of the one showing a woman wearing a device on her face(one would only wear it in private of course) which ultimately was supposed to make her look years younger!
Cécil's post on the animal costumes made me laugh. Thanks.
The buses (and trams) are the best way to get around the city and to see things you might not ordinarily see.
Bergson -- Je pense que j'ai besoin de photoshop pour mon photo de profile (et peut-être la figure)!
M -- Can you imagine it now? Very warm in Paris, but a hot day in Paris beats a balmy day in Mobile any day!
V -- You can find plenty of these handsome men on Mètro billboards
Alexa -- ditto -- I haven't heard that in some while.
Harriet -- I love the posters I saw on the Mètro advertising sexy classes to improve your English. Too funny!
Starman -- I think that the bus schedules are less clear than the Mètro and with the Mètro you know exactly "where" the tracks go. With a bus, you might not go exactly where you intended but the scenery is always interesting. If you get too far off your intended path you can always get off and take another bus (or find the Mètro).
Thanks! I really enjoyed plotting a course of action to get us around Paris via the metro. The Paris Pratique is a grweat little RER and Metro map book, can;t leave the hotel without it.
Love this composition, Genie! Very cool indeed.
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