Friday, February 24, 2017

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

What is it?

A porthole, 
a painting,
a tapestry?

I had to look at the surrounding photos 
of this image to figure it out...
and I was the photographer.

bon week end

Somewhere famous in Paris

I am joining other photographers
 at Weekend Reflections here


Anonymous said...

Eventually you have to tell, because my eyes aren't good enough to make out the details. But I'm very curious to know!

orvokki said...

Hole in the wall ? ... Interesting photo.

joaquín said...

Si no me equivoco es el Panteón, lo que no se es desde donde has tomado tan curiosa foto

William Kendall said...

A tapestry? It seems to remind me of fabric.

Virginia said...

I"m stumped!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Look at the following post (Saturday, February 25, 2017) for the solution. Even with the explanation, it is difficult for the mind to grasp so I included a larger photo of today's post. If you look closely you can see a reflection of the Pyramid just beyond the gate.

Thanks for your comments and have a great weekend.


Jim said...

Sydney – City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...
