Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cidre Kerisac - Paris café

Yes, I have a fascination with the Paris 
café scenes...

stacked cups and napkins included.

Paris café
Ave Ledru-Rollin
75012, Paris


Anonymous said...

Two people, one table, a sunny afternoon....what did they talk about? I understand the fascination with the remains of conversations like this.

PNLima said...

It is really wonderful to be able to sit down, seeing life passing by, with a cup of coffee!

William Kendall said...

An appealing place to take a break in.

Roseann said...

I love how often one sees dishes, cups and saucers with the name of the restaurant - made to order. I never see that in the states.

It's also very handy for picture taking and documenting at the same time.

Sharon said...

It makes a lovely picture.