Monday, January 21, 2013

Galette des Rois - fait à la maison

In previous posts, I have talked of galette des rois with photos of the beautiful cakes found in the Paris pâtisseries and I promised to give you an authentic French recipe.  Clotilde Dusoulier is a talented Parisian with a passion for food, an author who started as a blogger (Chocolate & Zucchini).  She is now a full-time food writer with recipes that are authentic and easy to follow, all with detailed instructions.  Here is the link to her Homemade Galette des Rois.

Now, what you see above is not the feuilletage inversé (inverted puff pastry) but an 'acceptable' purchased puff pastry.  If you live in Paris you can buy a slab of puff pastry from G Detou made with the perfect French butter.  Many recipes call for a frangipane filling, but I prefer the crème d'amande which we made using Clotilde's recipe and a scale (carefully weighing the ingredients).  It is divine, and the fève was not forgotten.

If you do not have the luxury of a French bakery just around the corner, you can satisfy your taste buds with a galettes des rois from your own kitchen.  

(You do not even want to know what is called a "King's Cake" in my area of the USA)

bon appetit

"chat avion"

Joining Dreaming of France weekly meme


Kristie said...

I will most definitely check out this recipe. It looks so good! :)

Sylvia K said...

It does look delicious and now I'll go to bed hungry!! I'll definitely check out the recipe! Hope you have a great week, Genie!


M said...

Miam miam ... King 's cake in my area is gross! Ths looks scrumptious!

Palomasea said...

Miam miam pour moi aussi! Gorgeous, dear Genie...
Love the flying kitty cat...
- Irina

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Genie:
You make this all seem very simple, which we are sure that it is, until we come to give it a go!

Dianne said...

This looks delectable Genie .... and with the help of a good ready-made butter pastry..... easy to make.
Thanx for passing it on.

"All Things French"

cath carbone said...

Superbe galette Genie, j'espèr qu'elle sera délicieuse!
Bonne journée !
Bises Cath.

Alain said...

C'est la première fois que je vois une galette des rois carrée. Dans le sud de la France, en guise de galette on trouve aussi des "royaumes", ce sont des brioches en couronne, garnies de fruits confits.

Cezar and Léia said...

hmmm this is delicious!
I need to try, I like to bake! :)
Hugs and a nice week dear Genie!

Joe said...

Yum. Taste bud temptation Genie.

Malyss said...

Like Alain, I find strange that it's not round! :o)
But no matter the shape, it looks very good!

brattcat said...

it seems you have many, many talents, dear genie. this looks miraculous.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks delish Genie and there's nothing Aimee (baker extraordinaire) likes more than a new recipe to try, can' t wait!

Paulita said...

I think it will be easier to fly to France and buy one than to try to make one here. More fun too. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

Birdman said...

Looks to die for.
btw- I'm looking up King's Cake now... I think I know already.

Jeanie said...

Now, puffed pastry I can work with. This really looks wonderful and I'm off to check the recipe! Merci!

Murissa said...

Wow! Looks gorgeous. I might have to try this but first I have to find a puff pastry within my area to work with (in British Columbia).

Starman said...


PeterParis said...

Square or round, who cares! :-)

Randy said...

It looks wickedly delicious.

Alexa said...

A big "miam" from moi aussi, ma chère. So who found the fève?

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Alain and Malyss, yes, you are right. No French baker in his right mind would make a square galette des rois. Since the pre-made puff pastry comes in this basic shape, and the crème d'amande fills the entire area... voila, une galette des rois carrée.

Being the perfectionist that I am I almost did not post this square galette. But, the point is, you can make one at home if you do not have a bakery. It was delicious!

Alexa, my sister Cherie found the fève.

We also made canelés de Bordeaux which were perfect!

Murissa, you should be able to find puff pastry in the frozen foods section of a grocery story. Often it is located near the pie crusts or the frozen fruit.

Next year I will try the inverted puff pastry made 'from scratch' and will get some French butter...


Louise said...

That looks fantastic Genie, well done.

Pat said...

There's a similar tradition here with a coin in a round bread. Same day; that day here is Serbian Orthodox Christmas. I am going to bookmark the recipe, and I love the 'feve' you show.

Amanda Summer said...

oh my lord this looks...........well, amazing. wishing i could have a warm slice of that to heat up for my dinner on this frigid midwestern evening!

hugs to you genie and hope your new year is going well ~ xoxo

beatrice De said...

Pardon d'envahir vos espaces commentaires. Vous m'inspirez. Zut, je dois aller boucler mes comtpes de l'année passée... pour payer mes impôts !!!