Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Passage Choiseul

Passage Choiseul runs between Rue des Petits Champs and Rue St-Augustin and still maintains some of its original charm.  The Palladian window at the north end is beautifully designed.  It was built in 1825 by the architect Travernier and is one of the only passages which has not been altered since its construction.

It was here that the author Louis-Ferdinand Céline lived as a boy, a period and location vividly recounted in his novel Death on Credit

Passage Choiseul
between Rue des Petits Champs
and Rue St-Augustin
75002, Paris


Deb said...

I love passages. There is only one good one that I know of in Sydney. It's like being transported back in time.

martinealison said...

Des passages qui nous font apparaître un visage nouveau de la ville à chaque fois...
Gros bisous

Sylvia K said...

I love the passage and your capture! Thanks, too, for the history/information you include! Fascinating and interesting! Hope your week is off to a good start, Genie! Enjoy!


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Genie:
We look at architecture such as this 'Passage' and deeply regret how similar buildings, albeit slightly later, in Budapest have been allow to fall into such disrepair that we doubt that there will ever be sufficient money to restore them. This example is lovely.

Vreni said...

I love the passages in Paris! In Vienna I know only one passage.

Joe said...

Marvelous authenticity in this image. Reminds me of the movie Hugo.

My name is Riet said...

Passages are great especially in winter. This one looks beautiful.

Virginia said...

This is a beauty and I love the mysterious man at the end!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful image! Gorgeous!!!

Starman said...

To think there used to be hundreds of them in Paris. Now, there are only about twenty. Quel dommage!

genie said...

What a fabulous capture of the passage. Really like the glass skylights. It is a wonderful piece of olden architecture,and it is nice that it has been kept up and is still being used. the other genie

Randy said...

Looks like a place to be explored.

Alexa said...

Great shot, Genie! You've truly captured the charm of this passage. I believe you know that I used to work here—and once climbed out a top-story window and walked all around the perimeter just below the glass roof. (BTW, there's something pretty amazing under the passage too.)

Cezar and Léia said...

Looks like a movie scenery, I like a lot the light at the entrance, an amazing composition!
Very well done!

cath carbone said...

J'aime beaucoup le passage Choiseul, il est comme tu le dis très ancien, la rue des petits champs a bien changé avec toutes ces nouvelles boutiques....Paris change et évolu avec le temps!
Joli post!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

What a beautiful shot Genie!
Thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a kind note..
Bisous! Penny