This double-decker carousel in front of the splendid Hôtel de Ville is one of the few carousels I have seen on which the adults unabashedly ride with abandon. This evening scene witnessed a steady stream of riders on the planes, convertibles, and horses. I do not recall ever having seen another "two-story" carousel.
(In case anyone is paying attention, this one rotates counter-clockwise)
Lovely. I recently passed the one in Montmartre, but didn't ride....my friend didn't want to.
Don't all merry-go-rounds go counter-clockwise? The ones here do, and the one I rode as a kid did, too.
Ce carousel est magnifique! Heureusement, il en reste encore quelques uns, de cette époque, en France. Et si les enfants sont heureux d'en profiter, les parents et les grands parents rêvent, bien souvent, de leur jeunesse, car , eux aussi, sont montés sur ces mêmes manèges.
Bonne journée, Genie!
I'm with the team that LOVES carousel!I love the lights in this picture, it creates a magic feeling, a lovely atmosphere, it reminds me "happiness" from those simple things, when we are little kids!
Every time I see a carousel, it also reminds me "my babies" ( son is 22 years old and daughter is 17), and I have lovely memories. Ahhh ...if we just could stop the time in some moments! :)
I am finding so many things I must look up on my next visit!
Coucou Genie! That's a lovely old carousel.
In April for the Nancy fair, there is one very ressembling to this one but I can't remember if it's double storey!
Can't wait to go and see if it is double;o) And when I go I will take a picture too!
Thank you so much for your lovely and welcoming message in my place, mon amie;o)
Hope you are having a happy week*
Gros bisous et à tout bientôt***
This is the first double-decker
carousel I have seen - it's utterly delightful.
Have a lovely week-end Genie.
Love the excitement in this picture. i think everybody loves a carousel. One has to stop and admire the art and craftsmanship as the people in silhouette are doing.
Glorious! Who knew Paris was so full of carousels? Thank you for showing me yet another side of Paris.
Never seen a double-decker before. Nice night shot.
J'ai souvent accompagné mes 4 enfants sur de tels manèges... Je me réjouis d'être grand-mère depuis peu (3 mois demain). Bientôt, je n'aurai plus à essuyer les regards en allant à nouveau sur les manèges avec mon petit bout!!...
Très belle photo, gros bisous à vous.
I ALWAYS ride carousels with unabashed abandon. I had a fine time in Paris riding them as well as ferris wheels! Incidentally I am enjoying the book I recommended the other day because of the varied reactions to Paris as well as the common thread of fascination that we all seem to have after visiting or living there. Sigh!!
I think Bibi is correct. The one at the foot of the Sacre Coeur is/was a double decker. Melissa and Eva rode it in 2007.
This one is the absolute most gorgeous in Paris. I took a zillion and it will be my header in the future! :) I like the shiny wet pavement too.
Carrousels always look beautiful after dark and the colours stand out even more clearly in the rain.
My admiration goes to those who confidently ride the carrousel!!!
I have seen a double long ago, when I was a child, but nowadays I don't see them anymore. This one is very beautiful, especially in the dark.
Beautiful night image! Never seen a double decker carousel.
They are beautyful during the day, and become magyc when night appears,with all those lights!
Love old fashioned carousels and this night shot is really nice.
I've yet to pay enough attention to see adults! I love these old ones even when they only have the one floor!
Ah les carroussels de Paris...
I can't believe there are so many carousels in Paris and I did not even get to see one of them when we were there.
I saw a two storey carousel at Chesterfield Mall in St Louis (MO) last summer.
BTW, hope all goes well with the evacuations from Libya. Glad we can be of some help.
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Wow—this one's a real beauty! Maybe my fave so far. (And did you ride, Genie?)
The carousels in France are divine and it is so tempting to want to ride one. I still recall my 15 year old squealing with glee as she did in Cannes and yes - it too ran anti clockwise.
I'm not sure if I've ridden this one, but I rode the one in Les Halles and one in Jardin des Tuilleries. Can't remember which direction they were moving.
That is the first time I have seen a two story one. It's really beautiful.
This carousel brings out the kid in any of us!
«Louis» once tried to ride it, but, being une vache was mistaken for one of the rides himself...
Things like this always end badly for «Louis»...
Great night shot!! A beautiful scene.
Bibi -- So glad that you got to see it but next time you must ride and give your friend the camera to take your photo...
Richard -- Je suis d'accord, mon ami... merci, mille fois!
Leia -- Merci... I had one of my babies with me and it just does not get any better than this!
Elizabeth -- Make a list for your next visit and made certain that you have un carrousel, mon amie
Cildemer -- Merci, and please take photos in Nancy... I have photos from Dijon and I believe that the carrousel runs clockwise (!) please note the rotation also... can't wait!
Dianne -- I know that there are more but we will have to hunt them down... bon weekend a toi aussi!
Bill -- they almost look like props on a stage to me... I particularly like the ones to the right of the photo... Merci!
Carol -- I believe that there are 18 in Paris if not more...
Bird -- Merci... glad that you like this one... I find it hard to judge the night shots...
Martine -- Une grand-mere (no accent marks) ce n'est pas possible! Mais certainement tu te rejois a ce moment la. Tu auras des bons temps avec tes petits fils et tes petits filles. "ton petit bout" gros bisous a toi, mon amie!
Kate -- Yay for you! We are young at heart and can ride with the best of them. Please email me the book name so I can get a copy.... Merci!
Virginia -- You will have to help me if I decide to do a book on the carrousels... I will be looking for more on my next visit (soon)
Forest -- Merci, and I do love them at night
bieb -- Please keep an eye out in your area and take photos if you see any... Merci!
Rob -- Merci, mon amie
Malyss -- The magic definitely comes out at night with the lights... I have many photos with blurred images (intentional) as the carrousel turned. Merci...
JM -- This is certainly an old one and quite unusual
Ciel -- Merci, mon amie... I agree with you. The painted panels of Paris scenes is exquisite and the second deck is just a bonus!
Rob and Mandy -- Merci, mes amis!
Loree -- Did you take photos? Please email me if you did... a double decker! Wow! Yes, Malta has been all over our news the past few days... Merci from us all
Teuvo -- Greetings to Finland... I will visit your blog
Alexa -- Merci, and non, I did not as I was the camera queen... Next time I will ride and take photos fromn the other point of view... Promise, mon amie!
Suzi -- I would be interested to know how they rotate "down under"... do tell!
Starman -- Check out your photos and see which direction the horses are facing, stp
Randy -- Merci, mon ami
Louis -- Tu est marrant! Very much so!
Halcyon -- Merci, mon amie!
To all -- I am flying high above the US from one coast to almost the other... how nice that I could talk with you while flying... love that technology! Gros bisous!
This is a first for me; I have never seen a double-decker. There is (or at least used to be) a Carroussel Museum in a town about 30 minutes west of Hartford. I need to go there some time with a camera . . .
Jack -- Well alons-y! What are you waiting for? I think that would be a fabulous place to take your camera... Find out about the rotation direction, stp.
It's beautiful and even more so at night! Great capture!
James -- Merci... I am sure that you have captured many of these in your travels.
SKIZO -- Your work is quite interesting... Merci!
wOw ! This is nice ! I think you may find a "two-story" carousel near the Trocadero (at one side of Pont d'Iena). And I wonder if the carousel of Montmartre is not a "two-story" carousel too... Humm, I must go and check ! I'll keep you posted !
o2 -- I will be there in April and will be on a carousel hunt for sure... maybe we can meet
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