We saw this sign in the Métro leaving Galeries Lafayette en juin and it just seemed so captivating. The shoe department reportedly has over 12,000 pairs in a space of 34,700 square feet!
Do you see that it refers to all the "shoe addicts"? Hummm.... guilty, as accused
40 bd Haussmann
I like this one Genie, not sure why, perhaps it's the colour.
Great concept for an ad targeting "des accros aux chaussures"!
The really surprising thing is that there aren't more women suffering from foot ailments due to wearing these things.
Galeries Lafayette always has effective advertising. Thanks for sharing!
Well, it is attention-grabbing, and thought-provoking. Which is basically all you want from an advertisement.
I LOVE their ads. I still love the lady with the ET tied to her head! :) So why on earth did we not spend an afternoon tring on shoes there? I swear!
Very eye-catching! So, Genie, do you need an intervention—or a shopping spree?
What a great design. I agree with Alexa it is very eyecatching. Have a wonderful day.
Gringo -- Merci. I like the rouge and also the design.
Paul -- Oui, c'est moi! Unfortunately, I have passed this down in the gene pool - hah!
Starman -- Aren't you glad that you are not subject to this fashion demand!
Brittany -- Advertising in France, and Paris in particular, is fabulous. I love the ads, the windows, the posters, etc.
Bear -- The ads in the Metro are attention-grabbing and entertaining!
Virginia -- Did you sleep in that day? Marie and I did try on shoes that day after going to Eglise Madeleine, Laduree, the honey store....Missed you that morning but we met for lunch at Le Reminet
Alexa -- Definitely... a spree!!
Randy -- Eye-catching for sure with the bright red and high fashion.
One I love Galleries Lafeyette and two I love the billboards in the metro. I had to be careful sometimes as it was easy to miss a stop.
Love this! x
Now that's where I need to go for a shoe fix. Imagine 12,000 pairs of shoes ~ I would be very happy there!!
Hah! Great eye-catching ad. Thanks for showing it to us.
Artistic and nice!:)
Galleries Lafayette makes my heart go pitter pat
This is very clever, great ad!
Sooz -- I think that the billboard ads are quite arresting -- Don't miss your stop!
Dianne -- Let's go! That could be a "shoe fix" to the max!
Jack -- Merci
Gunn -- Your photos set a high bar.
Sara Louise -- I agree! With 12,000 pairs I have a BIG pitter pat!
JM -- Merci. I would think that your ads (in Portugal) are creative as well and certainly compared to our (USA) bland ones.
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