Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sainte Geneviève des Bois - le cimetière russe

Sainte Geneviève des Bois
a Russian Cemetery

The Russian Orthodox Cemetery is not highly regarded 
by the locals of this small town 
and many do not even know of its existence.  
I made the trip to see the tombstone of Rudolph Nureuev 
and found the carpet of fallen ginko leaves as a bonus.  

Wherever I have traveled in the world, I visit and photograph the cemeteries.  
Although this cemetery is not well-maintained, 
there was a quiet beauty of the season, 
silent and colorful with autumn leaves.
Russian Orthodox Cemetery
Sainte Geneviève des Bois


  1. Wow!
    The camera screams out for a piece of the BLUE, and I don't mean the sky this time.

  2. After all, it seems to me, that it's true: wealth doesn't make a difference at last. Same beauty and same peace for the mausoleum owner, for the white cross owner, and for the owner of the humble cross. At least under the ground, we finally are brothers and sisters; on the ground, we are all equal under the skin. For sure. Blessings, Bros. and Sis...

    The yellow coming, the blue in background, but feeling like nearer than the humble cross in foreground! Super framing and the russian dome shape is megabeautiful and three times beautiful . Very good job Miss, a kilo of thanks for sharing peace.

  3. Love the complementary colors.

  4. You like cemeteries. Perhaps because you enjoy grave undertakings?

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  5. Nice photo although I am not wild about the blue dome.

  6. Love this photo with the colors.


Merci for your comments!