Saturday, February 22, 2014

un chat orange?

Chat Noir Orange!

This very large orange cat was mirrored on the other side of a doorway 
by an equally large (and orange) chien (dog).

Based on the shopper in the store with the same hue of "persimmon,"
I am thinking that "orange" must be the new "black."

(Off to find my orange accessories!)

4, rue du Temple
75004, Paris


  1. Hello Genie:
    Forgive us, but somehow orange, a colour we passionately dislike, can never for us be the new black!! But in a kitsch way the cat is wonderful!!

  2. I strongly dislike orange, yet I have an orange car! And orange is also the official color of my favorite sports team. I'm intrigued by Orange Is the New Black and have been meaning to watch it on Netflix, all of my friends are raving about it. I must say, even though I don't much like orange, that cat is very fetching!

  3. hmmm, weird looking orange cat :)

  4. Yes, trendy and different to be sure!! Hope your weekend is going well, Genie!! Enjoy!!

  5. Meow!

    It's not a colour I'd go for, but it works on this oversized kitty statue...

  6. The original name for The Marmelade Gypsy was to be Le Chat Orange -- but that was taken! I love your big orange cat!

  7. Orange was the 'new' HOT color during the Olympics. I once owned a pair of ORANGE corduroys. Worn 'em non stop. I was pretty cool in the day. hahahaha

  8. Il a un regard très énigmatique.

  9. Wow! That IS some bright orange. I love the color, but it certainly shouts 'notice me!' more than black. But of course, i always notice a gorgeous black kitty. :)

  10. I love the eyes... ;)

    Thank you for visiting me, dear Genie...I love to see you at my posts!
    Now I'm very intrigued by lemon macarons...and how delicious those fresh eggs must be...
    If I attempt macaron baking, a post will surely follow.
    Merci pour l'idee! :)
    - Irina

  11. Let's see you in orange, Genie. You would be smashing!

    I'm thinking that the colors of the season are orange for women and purple for men. Nearly every male talking head on TV is wearing a purple tie.

  12. Hello Genie, it's been too long between visits, I must catch up with what's been going on at Paris and Beyond. I was just having a quick scroll through your delightful images and this one definitely caught my eye.

    I was very taken by the amount of orange, indeed largely a particular hue of orange in Paris last year that I did a whole blog post on it.


Merci for your comments!