Friday, December 6, 2013

Village Saint Paul - le Marais

2013 Nov22 Paris _20131122 132 DSC_2806

Quiet courtyard

The last golden leaves of autumn cling tenuously to the branch 
and they echo my feelings of departing Paris.  

I know when it is time to leave for home, 
clinging to the memories, 
and knowing that there will be another autumn in Paris, 
just as there will be another winter and spring and summer.

The photos are a daily reminder...
le sigh

bon weekend

Village Saint Paul
75004, Paris


  1. Depth of field to the max Genie. You have great control over your camera.

  2. Ditto previous comment. Well done !

  3. Beautiful, like a quiet meditation on autumn, on its way out of town.

  4. «Louis» lived on rue Saint-Antoine, just around the corner from Village Saint-Paul...this makes him wistful for Paris!

  5. Le sigh, indeed ... Exquisite! Are the chairs in the background Comme à la Maison?

  6. I really like this shot, Genie—nicely done!

  7. If you lived in Paris, you would already be home!

  8. All of the others have said so perfectly what I feel for you, Genie! A beautiful capture and I do know SO well how you feel!! Make the most of each day -- wherever that day finds you.

  9. Joe, if you had seen all of the really poor photos I have deleted you would change your mind. Merci beaucoup...

    Starman, you have a point... one that makes me smile.

    Marie, the chairs are in a small courtyard just across from Cru. Comme à la Maison is still in business.

    Louis, you would be a great guide in this area and we could probably even share a few newer places with you.


  10. Photos are visual reminders of our memories and dreams. I love this one.


Merci for your comments!