Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gwen Choc - boulangerie

Gwen Choc

It is nearly impossible to find a "bad" boulangerie in Paris and each artisan boulangerie-patisserie has a loyal following.  The aroma of fresh bread wafts down the street and the lines form at the appointed hour...

Gwen Choc is a favorite in this area of the Marais.  My favorite neighborhood is Place Maubert and its Eric Kayser boulangerie...  be sure to ask for the Baguette Monge.

Gwen Choc
5, rue du Temple
75004, Paris


Sylvia K said...

Oh, yummmmmm!! It's only 8 PM and I'm already thinking of breakfast!! You do find the great places, Genie!

Connie said...

Oh I wish that the computer allowed us to smell the bread :)
great shot.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Alain said...

Le monsieur hésite. Peut-être cherche-t-il son portable dans sa poche pour demander "Chérie, tu as pris le pain ?"

cath carbone said...

j'aime beaucoup tes photos, le naturel avant tout! bonne journée à toi!

M said...

Fresh, hot baguettes ... I can close my eyes and smell them!

Aimeecakes said...

Now I want bread...

Daryl said...

that eric kaiser baguette was incredible ... i still cant believe we ate/shared a whole baguette and then went to dinner!!!!!!!

Palomasea said...

I am imagining the aroma coming from that gorgeous boulangerie, chere Genie!!

- Irina

TheChieftess said...

Looks yummy...and...yep...I think I just got a whiff of all those yummy smells!!!

Alexa said...

Note to Daryl: I can believe it! (Enjoy it while you can, right?) This place is in my old neighborhood, but I doubt that it was there when I was. I love their logo.

JoeinVegas said...

Yes, fresh bread . ..

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

I wannnnaaa come back ,, I love the Marais :-)

Jeanie said...

Oh, Genie, you always take us to places that I know would be so delicious!

Randy said...

A happy place!

Louise said...

The smell wafting out of those bakeries on early morning walks is sensational- you can smell them a block away.