Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jardin des Tuileries

Jardin des Tuileries

It is impossible to visit Paris 
without sitting in one of the green chairs around a park fountain.  

Sometimes you have to bundle up a bit 
if there is a chill in the air.

Jardin des Tuileries
75001, Paris


  1. I would be tres happy to bundle up here Genie..

  2. Paris does public gardens extremely well Genie. The public seating is commendable. I guess it is because so many residents live in apartments.

  3. Great watery shot. You can hear the fountain

  4. Lovely picture, you captured the water so well.

  5. Won't be long now before they'll be shutting down our fountains around here and getting them ready for winter.

  6. Terrific waterworks. Here some of our fountains are already shut down, while others will be soon.

  7. Me gusta mucho el agua que muestra el viento. Supongo que debe ser frío porque la pequeña estatua no quiere mojarse :) y la persona detrás, calienta sus manos entre las piernas. La casi blanco y negro hace hincapié en cada gota. Gracias Genie.


Merci for your comments!