Thursday, September 3, 2015

un artiste de Place du Tertre

Place du Tertre

Surrounded by the sights and sounds
of Montmartre

Sitting in a silent world 

Place du Tertre
75018, Paris


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Solitude amongst the many Genie. He seems lost in world of thought.

  3. I remember one January night at Place de Tertre. It was just getting dark and the place was empty except for one lone artist hoping for a tourist to draw. It was odd seeing it like that, it is usually very active. I had dinner at Chez Eugene, I was the only customer for a while. A few locals wandered in as I was finishing up. The theme of your photo reminded me of that night.

  4. A lot of daily life is just 'taking it all in'.

  5. You know, it's so touristy, and yet it's so darned fun to watch these guys paint! I have to admit that I can easily get suckered into watching and enjoying every second. Maybe not buying... but I love to see them at work! This is a very nice character study.

  6. He does look quite lost in thought.

    I see the Steve Finnell spammer hasn't done the world a favour yet and stopped breathing.

  7. What a wonderful photograph. Obviously, the man has done some fine work. I think he's meditating a bit, perhaps waiting a burst of inspiration!

  8. Nice capture, Genie! I remember this—there were lots of tourists, but not a lot of buyers apparently.

  9. Who said "The Mind is a place in itself"?
    He seems to be thinking on a sketch. I hope he sold many paintings.
    Great picture of being human.


Merci for your comments!