Tuesday, August 25, 2015

le Pain au Naturel

On a Sunday morning amid the bustle of shopping at Marché d'Aligre,
this street scene in front of the boulangerie features individual characters
in the daily routine:

The queue of shoppers at the entrance,
 the table of breads on the sidewalk,
a young French girl on her trottinette,
a baker delivering fresh baguettes from the oven.

What you miss are the aromas of the bread and the oysters just across the narrow street
and the hawking of  produce in the sing-song of many different languages.

le Pain au Naturel
rue Théophile Roussel


  1. It is a hive of activity in this street scene Genie.

  2. Nice street shot. You wish that ever country in the world would have such bakers. The world would immediately be a better place. Thanks for showing.

  3. Love it! These kids' memories of these days will be rich. :-)

  4. Wonderful street scene a la francais Genie.

  5. There is a novel in this photo.

  6. La baguette parisienne a bonne réputation... But it doesn't stay long, is full of holes ( trous )....
    Now we have the choice betwen so many beautifull tasty breads.
    Not so far from Lausanne, Echallens, is a museum of breads. I have seen the tikets of rationnement during tje war. People very often think, that during the war we where not touch. My mother use to say she was eating only a soup for all day. Les tikets de rationnement ; sucre, farine, chocolat et plein d'autres ingrédient je m'en rappelle for bien et de les voir dans un musée, cela fait remonter des souvenirs....


Merci for your comments!