Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Le Café des Chats - un chat

One of the many cat residents displays
the mood and character of this salon de the.
All of the cats have been adopted from shelters and
are under the care of veterinarians.

The 'house rules' are simple: do not wake a sleeping cat;
wash your hands before petting the cats; no feeding the cats; 
and, this is my favorite, no cat has to do anything s/he does not want to do.
Sounds like a great life to me.

16, rue Michel le Comte
75003, Paris



  1. Sounds like the cats rule here. :-)

  2. Sounds like our house rules, ha ha! This is a great picture of one of them too.

  3. This kitty looks very, very comfortable!

  4. As long as the cats stay away from my table that is fine.( don't like cats on the table) ,, I do like cats and the rules seem good.

  5. Those cats live better than many humans.

  6. A cats life can be a good one. The rules are certainly cat friendly. Once upon a time they would have read "Wash your hands after touching the cats". T

  7. OH Genie! I so want to be there. My friend in Paris used to live around the corner from the Chat Cafe on Rue du Temple but has moved. It hadn't yet opened during my last visit, but you know what is on the list for the next. What a lovely photo!


Merci for your comments!