Saturday, March 14, 2015

La Journée de Pi

Pi day of the century

π - not pie actually
(a pun)

Saturday, March 14, 2015 is Pi Day, a celebration of the irrational number 
that describes the ratio of a circle’s diameter to its circumference. 
Pi is approximately 3.141592653, but it continues at random to infinity. 
No matter how many numbers after the decimal place you use, 
the only way to get it exactly is to use the symbol pi (π)

March 14, 2015
3.14.15 at 9:26.53am

I love math and numbers as well as pie, 
so treat yourself to a slice of pie (or tart, if you will)

La Petite Rose
11, boulevard de Courcelles
75008, Paris


  1. Cela ne fonctionne pas avec la façon française d'écrire les dates. Peut-être parce que les français sont encore plus irrationnels que Pi ?

  2. I'm sorry Genie you lost me after pie :) tres delicious way to celebrate Pi!

  3. I'm sorry Genie you lost me after pie :) tres delicious way to celebrate Pi!

  4. There's nothing irrational about the pie in the photo!

  5. Now this is perfect for breakfast... The berries look luscious !

  6. I think you've come up with the perfect way to celebrate the Pi Day of the century! Miam.

  7. Magnifique tarte !

  8. This could be the only post about pi that I've read today that actually explains the definition of pi. So, I wasn't surprised when you said you love numbers. (Me? I run from them.) Great pic for the day! Hope all's well in your corner of the world.

  9. Wonderful post, dear Genie ~ along with the beautiful calorie-free eye candy. I guess that explains why The Life of Pi was on TV here last night {which was Saturday night our time} !! Happy weekend ...


Merci for your comments!