Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Boulangerie aux Castelblangeois - un régal pour l'oeil

Boulangerie aux Castelblangeois

Just before anyone considers a New Year's resolution 
regarding the consumption of delicious desserts, 
gaze one last time at these beauties.

Actually, there are no calories when feasting with the eyes.


Boulangerie aux Castelblangeois
104, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine
75012, Paris
Métro Ledru-Rolin


  1. Oh my goodness! How festive and delicious!

  2. Fortunately these aren't so close-at-hand to cause me much temptation. :-)

  3. Ha ha ha...! Thank you for this tasteful... "Miam-miam"!

    The strawberries of these desserts are like those persons who are nutritious. You don't know they are beautiful inside and outside, until the outer prejudgement molds are taken away.

    What a party for eyes and what an amusement park for flavors!
    Thank you Madmiam! d(:-D)

  4. After all the Christmas food I am very happy to feast with my eyes at this mouthwatering melange of sweets. Happy holidays Genie.

  5. The ones with the strawberries around the edges are works of art! A true feast for the eyes!!!

  6. I'm glad there are no patisseries in Charleston with a showcase like that -- too tempting! What a feast for the eyes!

  7. Makes me think of that Kingston Trio song: Oh, les fraises et les framboises et les bons vins nous avons bu. Bonnes souvenirs, Genie!

  8. This boulanger looks like a great pâtissier too!

  9. I'll have one of each please, for my New Year's celebration!

  10. Oh, yessss! This is my kind of place.

    Have a wonderful new year, Genie!


Merci for your comments!