Monday, November 24, 2014

Rue Gabrielle - 'shabby chic'

Rue Gabrielle

The dark reflection in the old glass panes 
adds to the mystery of this premier étage.  
The trace of last year's vines 
and the slant of the frame itself are in stark contrast 
with the fresh red geraniums.

I will take this "shabby chic" any day

33, rue Gabrielle
75018, Paris


  1. Adore geraniums. Their colors and shape brighten up any environment as they do in this photo.

  2. Paris on its best. Thanks for showing.

  3. I see I'm not the only one who noticed the cracks.

    Pretty colour!

  4. This captures the charm of the quartier for me (and—bonus— it's above the heads of the tourist hordes!).

  5. Wow, Miss Genie... this red is pure passion!, leaning out a high level window, coming from a fertile heart (-the flower pot -), happy of riding a bike freely (- in the ironwork -) in the "here and now" of the night and the fresh air. Behind the glass of the past, a flying bird from hard already exceeded times and that belongs to the "then and there". Two white arms rise to heaven, one to ask, the other to thank. All that, on an elegant frame that shows proofs of supporting others to grow toward the light.

    Congrats Miss, for me, this one could be a famous renacentist painting.
    Technique: Light on canvas!

    Thanks for this ruby of Paris, Genie, have a nice week, take care and behave well...


Merci for your comments!