Tuesday, June 24, 2014

C'est un mystère

At the end of this narrow walled passage,
the enigmatic figure slipped from view
...and, perhaps was never seen again
(just kidding)
Rue Berton
75016, Paris


  1. Bonjour ma chère Génie,

    Merci pour ton gentil message...

    Certaines petites rues à Paris nous font complètement oublier que nous nous trouvons dans la capitale... La campagne en ville, c'est très agréable et charmant...
    Une très belle prise.

    Gros bisous

  2. Shades of Victor Hugo methinks. :-)

  3. And there you have the beginnings of a book! The path appeals to me.

  4. very mysterious indeed Genie ... I love this sort of pic when we wonder and wonder "what's just around that corner" maybe a little French café with un bel home.

  5. This a really tremendous shot. So evocative of a tale yet to be told. The lane is so rustic and the darkened figure so distant. Bravo.

  6. Maybe that's the ghost of Balzac! (His home is very near there, I think.)


Merci for your comments!