Monday, May 12, 2014

Promo! Des orchidées


A street-side display of flowers is typical in all parts of Paris.  The orchids so carefully protected sous cellophane are a promise of colorful plants for months to come.  The prices seen here are comparable to what one might expect to pay at home.  If you are going to be in Paris for a week or so, a pot of these orchids would make you feel right at home.

Thinking of my daddy who had 
a greenhouse full of these for most of my life.

Marché Maubert
Place Maubert
75005, Paris


  1. These are beautiful but they fear for their lives around me.

  2. So very beautiful -- they're playing to my color palette! Four star, Genie!

  3. Great coincidence; I got two of these lovely plants for Mother's Day!

  4. So vibrant and full of colour Genie. What a joy it would be to have a hot house full of such magnificence.

  5. They are gorgeous! Amazing colours too.

  6. Hello Genie:

    In no way should we wish to appear spoilsports, but somehow orchids have never appealed to us greatly. And the pity is, we feel that they should!!

    That said, very recently we were at the house of a friend and he had grouped a number of cream orchids together and we thought they looked really beautiful! So.....!!

  7. Wow. An embarrassment of riches. Great shot

  8. Lovely. I do have to agree with Randy- flowers of any kind wouldn't last long in my care.

  9. I wish I could keep one alive.

  10. Good idea for a week's stay (and I could probably kill it in that time). :~} They ARE beautiful though.


Merci for your comments!