Saturday, May 17, 2014

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel

Eiffel Tower Carousel

There are many Belle Epoque carrousels around Paris.  Each carrousel has unique details setting it apart from the others.  As you can tell from the ceiling of this one, the theme is le cirque.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and hope that if you are in Paris
you will find a carrousel and take a ride.  You are forever young on a carrousel.

bon weekend

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel
75007, Paris


  1. Beautiful colours in this carousel!

  2. Hello Genie:

    What fun to be spinning around on a carousel right at this moment, and especially one as decorative as this. But no. We are preparing to meet a friend, which will be wonderful, for lunch and wondering if we can risk the walk without an umbrella.

  3. I love the detail and colors in this shot. Definitely captures the feeling of the Belle Epoque.

  4. I think I need a spin and the world to go by in a blur and to feel the thrill of the first time around ... Paris in the spring!!!

  5. One of my all-time fave carrousels. Merci --


Merci for your comments!