Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Le Carrousel de Nogent

Le Carrousel de Nogent

The carousel is protected from the elements by the glass windows.  
It is nice to see that they have chairs for the adults, 
well... for the adults who do not ride.

Le Carrousel de Nogent
Nogent Sur Marne, just beyond Bois de Vincennes


  1. To my readers... Please excuse the late post. Due to weather and other issues I had the pleasure of sleeping in an airport last night and did not post in time!

    Back to the regular schedule today.


  2. Hello Genie:

    We really did miss you and wondered as the day wore on [now 6.15pm here]if everything was all right. Poor you, a night spent in an airport cannot have been fun at all. We do trust that you are now safely back home.

    The carousel is lovely. Such a pity that the chairs, ghastly white plastic, are not more in keeping.

    Take care.

  3. Been thinking of my 'Bama gals with all the hideous weather you're having. Posting late should be your worst problem! Love this carrousel—and the nicely trimmed tree too.

  4. I love, love carousels.

  5. How I love this carousel! I'm so longing to be in Paris and in France, but for now, I must be content to visit lovely photos such as yours! "The pleasure of sleeping in an airport", I hope you got caught up on your sleep.

  6. I know how you love carousels. (The comment about late posting and sleeping in an airport last night provide a partial answer about whether the nasty weather in your area affected you . . . be well, Genie.)

  7. Nice shot. Was it a special day? I noticed all the flags in the windows.


Merci for your comments!