Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris - des détails

2012 Mar 28 Paris_166DSC_4521

Notre Dame

From this single spot, 
many of the treasures of this magnificent cathedral are revealed, 
from the rose window to the newly cleaned chandelier, 
and Gothic arches and columns.

Also, when you look up, 
you do not see any tourists.

bon dimanche

Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris
6 Parvis Notre Dame
Place Jean-Paul II
75004, Paris


  1. You have a fine talent for finding lovely details that many would overlook. It is always a pleasure to see what you've found for your Sunday series!

  2. Lovely shot. It's always possible even in the most crowded places to find a shot without tourists. Sometimes it does take some doing though.

  3. Great shot. I love the large Rose window.

  4. You composed this very nicely, Genie.

    Have fun on the upcoming trip.

  5. Outstanding image, Genie. Bon voyage!

  6. Really like the light reflecting off the arches.


Merci for your comments!